Monday, December 24, 2007

What reeks?

oh that's you, I'm sorry.
You know who you are...the one who bathes in cheap perfume rather than soap and water.
What is it with people who bathe in perfume or cologne?
Do they not shower or wash and are trying to cover up with some cheap funky perfume that induces migraines in anyone within a mile radius of them or what?

It's bad enough when you're trying to get through a store at the mall and well we know in all the major department stores in order to get to the main section of the mall you literally have to go through their smelly department.
And have pity on the poor sole who is dumb enough to try to spray me with their deadly chemical funk.

But one would think that in their own home they could be free of the reeking aroma of cheap perfume.

Not the case when you live above two women (if you can call them that) that literally must bathe in cheap perfume. Right now it's semi decent weather here in South Florida, so we can actually open the doors and windows, get some clean fresh air (or one would hope so anyhow). Only problem is, when I open my patio door all I get is the migraine induced by an array of cheap chemical funk permiating from below me.

It's bad enough they party loudly and make noise all day and night long to where I have to hear them but now to have to SMELL them as well... egads!

There should be an odor ordinance like there is a noise ordinance. And someone lock up these two below me, or give them a lesson in general hygiene...soap and water works much better and less annoying than cheap funky reek that attacks people one floor above inside their own unit!

whew, what a relief that I'll be able to breath fresh air in a few weeks and be gone from this smellfest here.

Perhaps I shall take a bar of soap downstairs for a Christmas gift?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Blog Tara! I agree! I like perfume but I don't over-do it. I can sympathize with you on the neighbor ordeal as we have the neighbors from H*LL living beside us!

I also enjoyed your POSER blog!

8:32 PM  

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