Sunday, February 10, 2008

I've moved...

well I've moved the blog! LOL
actually I didn't, but my friend Joann did because I'm clueless with the techie stuff! LOL

now you can keep up to date on my ramblings at


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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Backing in

Ok weird topic but one that I have to get off my chest.
I back my car into all parking spots.
It's easier for me and it's faster when I want to leave, I get in the car and off I go!

Now, I've been told lately that this is a "guy thing" and only "guys" back their vehicles into their parking spots.
Well, hmmmph as you can tell from the pic, I am NOT a guy! LOL
Some say it's a "control thing"...perhaps.
Some say it's too hard to back into a those people, I fear how they'd parallel park between two parked cars! LOL
oh wait, they've pretty much done away with parallel parking. haven't they?!

Now, I'm all for backing I said, I can jump in the car, turn the key and off I go.

However, I have two things that totally annoy me about the backing up process.

1) When in a shopping center parking lot and I'm quickly backing into my spot, if a car comes up on me and can clearly see reverse lights and car moving in reverse WHY do they think they can attempt (note the key word attempt) to swoop into the spot I'm backing into?

Reality is this, I can back into a spot in one fail swoop so do not try to zip into the spot, because you'll lose! I'll win and you'll look like a putz for having tried to steal my spot by zipping in front first!

2) If you don't know how to back into a spot... GO PRACTICE! Somewhere! Anywhere! Anywhere that is other than in the shopping center parking lot where you take 7 or 8 attempts and block other traffic in the process.

All that creates is a lot of humor and laughter along with a undertone of annoyance.

It's rather entertaining watching someone though if you have the time to spare:
They pull forward
then slooooooooooooowly start to back up then opppps wrong angle...
start over
pull forward again at new angle
slooooooooooooooowly start to back up
drat almost clipped that car on the left
pull forward again a bit further
and keep doing this til either
a) they give up and go to another parking spot
b) those of us waiting and laughing finally get to you and you give up and go to another parking spot
c) you are brave, you spend another 5 minutes and finally finally get your vehicle parked, but it's at an angle and over the lines..oh well...let the other person figure out how to open their door without hitting your vehicle

Seriously, it's not really that difficult to back into a parking spot and stay between the lines!

If it is, then you really should not be driving...and especially around me.

So, whether a "guy thing", a "control thing" or simply just an experienced driver thing call it what you want, I'll keep backing into my parking space so I can leave effortlessly while you still struggle to get your car backed into a space keeping it between the lines!

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Drive a free car!

Whether you're a soccer mom, working dad, college student, busy commuter, a radical snowboarder, sports enthusiast...... or just enjoy driving, you can be on the road to receiving a free car!

Companies want to give you a NEW CAR FREE TO DRIVE or PAY YOU to drive your own car decorated with their company logo or advertisement. That's it!! There is NO CATCH, NO HIDDEN COSTS! You can drive as you normally do and these companies will even pay for the maintenance of the vehicle! You simply cover the cost of fuel and insurance, your sponsor company saves thousands on advertising costs.... It's a complete win-win situation!

Think about it - A company could spend $3000 a month for a small billboard on the side of the road or they can spend a lot less leasing a nice vehicle that drives the same road. A recent study concluded that a single car with an advertising message on it was viewed by over 40,000 people whilst driving around the city for one day. The cost to the advertiser - about $30. Compare that with a similar cost of over $10,000 for one ad in a daily newspaper to reach the same audience. It's not hard to see why they're so eager to find drivers to take their message to the streets.

Drive your brand new free car or drive your own car and get paid! Upon selection, you will be contacted and arrangements will be made for you to pick up your brand new car, or a suitable date and time for your own vehicle to be wrapped.

You can get all the info here

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Buy and Sell Cars for Profit

Click here to find out about The Lazy Way To Buy And Sell Cars For Profit.

This is the best 'How To' ebook available on the internet for anyone that wants to learn how to buy and sell cars for profit...with an extremely low refund rate!

I got it and all the extra's and am in the process of making some sweeeet profits!

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

eBay feedback widget

This is pretty cool

A friend of mine
ebaysellingcoach referred me to.

It's a really cool feedback widget, so you click below and you can see all my feedback along with my existing auctions!

check it out!

You can also view my ebay auctions here

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Green Car Wash ~ Splendor Car Wash Kit

Go green! Even when you're washing your car.

You can now use this with or without water.

I've used this on my brand new Toyota Matrix and it's awesome!

as well as on the Tundra and you can see how great both vehicles look

Many product lines offer dry car wash options but only
Splendor car detailing products truly provide professional results for products that can be used with or without water.

Features of using Splendor car detailing products

* Cost efficient.

* Professional quality.

* Fast and easy to use. Use with or without water!

* Convenient.

* Environmentally-friendly.

* Save an average of 50 gallons of fresh water per wash!!!

* The products are manufactured under ISO regulations.

Here's what you get in the
Splendor Car Wash Kit:

* The new and best way to wash cars.

* Easy, fast and convenient to use!

* Say goodbye to water tanks, hoses, expensive trailers, harsh chemicals nor coarse machinery.

* From basic exteriors to thorough full details.

* Use it anywhere, anytime!!!

* Use it as hobby or as your best business tool!!!

* Guaranteed clean working area!!!

* Unbelievable value!!!

* With our exclusive SPLENDOR car wash kit you have everything you need to perform professional quality car wash services in one convenient and economical box.

You can buy yours
NOW here

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Friday, January 25, 2008

$10 off consultant start up @ Affordable Mineral Makeup

Affordable Mineral makeup

$10 OFF Consultant Sign up until 1/31/08
Offer good ONLY on Consultant level, not other levels.

You get:
a 30% off coupon for one order to do with whatever you want-build a

kit, purchase for yourself, whatever...

start at 25% commission
increase to up to 35% commission
7% on your down line sales

free personalized web page (variety of options available)

free email address

yahoo groups and forum for support

catalogs, business cards, forms available for you to print or


support and easy access to owner and others within the company

a great product to promote that exceeds other companies in product

and customer service

more shades than other mineral makeup companies

more size options than other mineral makeup companies

extra 'goodie' on your birthday

consultant handbook

monthly consultant contests

and so much more...

sign up today at

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Monday, January 07, 2008

Ways to make money with Affordable Mineral Makeup

We now have a variety of options for you to pick from when signing up with Affordable Mineral Makeup

Pick whichever one suits your desires the best:

1)Beginners Affiliate- sign up for free, get an affiliate url, make 5% commission on sales. There are no quotas to meet with this option.

2)10% Affiliate...sign up for $5, get an affiliate url and make 10% commissions on sales. There are no quotas to meet with this option.

3)15% Affiliate...sign up for $15, get an affiliate url and make 15% commissions on sales. There are no quotas to meet with this option.

4)20% Affiliate...sign up for $20, get an affiliate url and make 20% commissions on sales. There are no quotas to meet with this option.

5)Consultant - sign up for $30- get your own site, be part of the yahoo group, get your own AMM email, your own rep page (variety of options available on rep pages), all the other benefits listed at and make 25% with the ability to advance to the highest level of 35%.
You earn 7% on your immediate downline with the Consultant Option.
$10 cash bonus when your immediate downline stays with the company for 3 months.
There is a $30 monthly retail quota. (That means you must either sell $30 worth of product or you can purchase $30 for yourself and taking off your discount would be less than that obviously).

Sign up now at

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Running and hiding in business

The events of the last few days have me thinking.

How many people, especially women, run and hide when they don't know how to handle a situation?

This works both ways...
1) How many times have you dealt with a company or a business and been on the receiving end of inferior service or product yet you didn't speak up?! Why didn't you?
2) You own a business and you provided an inferior service or product and customer complains to you and you run and hide.


Is it because they were never taught that they have a voice?
Never taught to stand up for their rights?
Never taught that it's the responsible thing to do when you screw up-- be accountable for your actions?
Were they not taught that you should have pride in what you do?
Were they not taught about integrity?
Are they afraid of confrontation and think if they run and hide somehow the problem will just disappear?

If you are in business, you need to be accountable for your service, your products and the way you handle your business affairs.

If you make a mistake: admit to it, apologize and FIX IT.
Problem is solved and everyone's happy and it's business as usual.

If you make a mistake and then run and hide from it: Whoever is on the receiving end of your inferior product/service because of your screw up will ultimately take action against you, pursue correction of said mistake and that could come in means of lawsuit, word of mouth of poor quality product/service to others which results in loss of potential business, and so many other avenues.

If you run and hide, do you not realize that not only does it confirm to others that you're not professional or accountable in your business but you also lose more money in the long run than had you gone ahead and done the right thing and been accountable for your screw up.

It's amazing how far a simple "I'm sorry about the screw up. Here's your refund, can we move on" will go. It'll go far in a good sense.
Example: You screw up an order for oh lets say $ could easily refund that $60 and business and life would go on as normal.
Or, you could run and hide and not acknowledge the person who received shoddy materials and not refund payment in full and suffer more than $60 worth of loss revenue because word gets around about your unprofessional way in which you handle (or don't handle for that matter) business.

Anyone can figure out that it'd be best in all regards to handle the situation and move on, not run and hide.

But, you can opt to run and hide which will still have a far lasting impression to others regarding your business and that'd be one of an unprofessional person who has no pride in the quality of work/service they provide nor integrity in handling business situations.

So, my question to you...
Are you running and hiding?
or standing strong and full of integrity and professionalism?

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Ryze and wahms who get all pissy

Ahhhh the saga continues.
This is prime example of how something can snow ball.
Had Treasia of Southern Belle Invitations made good and refunded the $60 for the worthless boxes in other posts, we'd have been done with this.

Instead, a 3rd party got herself involved and sorry I don't deal with third parties, this is a grown woman...She can communicate, least one would hope!

So here's part of what this 3rd party person sent me via Ryze -note she says Treasia admits the bottom of the boxes are her screw up!

<<<>>Tresia is offering 30.00 dollars for a refund and would like some sort of retraction from you. As to recreating the work:
>>Tresia has stated the bottom of the boxes were her fault and would have been corrected at her expense for shipping charges reversed to me as well shipping back by her.>>>

I explained to this uninvolved 3rd party person that I don't deal w/3rd party people, if Treasia has something to say she can say it to me herself

to which I get this response

<You've avoided the $30.00 dollar refund offer. Your now avoiding the recreation offer.
All now under a pretense of you do not do business through a middle person.
Very much noted M'Dear. >>>

now how pathetic that a grown biz woman can't communicate and while she admits to another person it's her fault, she still won't refund full monies and yet she whines and hides.

Then all the cliquey butt kissers on Ryze complain and get my posting rights suspended...oh gee how I will I ever manage not being able to post to whiny crying second grade butt kissers??! Ironically myself and cohorts were discussing how long it would take the whiners to complain to Ryze, which is a sea of whiners with a few exceptional people thrown in the mix.

Some wahms wonder why nobody takes them seriously, this is prime example of why.

Instead of communicating directly with me, instead of admitting the screw up and refunding full monies they whine, hide, complain and get all pissy about the truth.

ahhhhh the truth hurts... for some wahms and butt kissers it does anyhow.

As if not being able to post on Ryze is somehow going to 'hurt'? If anything it just keeps me from wasting my time on a sorry cliquey network that does nothing for myself nor my businesses anyhow.

I'm a business owner, don't have time for petty nonsense like the rest of the hobbyist that are over there!

so, a simple "I'm sorry, here's your $60 back, I messed up" from Treasia of Southern Belle Invitations has now turned into all kinds of nonsense... little does she realize or the others on Ryze that I and my business aren't affected by not being on Ryze.

Perhaps this will be a lesson to others, if you're in business and screw up...
admit it
handle it
resolve it
and move on because if you don't it can affect future business for you.

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