Spiritual Health Inspirations
by Dr. Richard Anderson
Causes of Dis-ease
* Congestion
* Toxicity
* Deficiency
1. Disease is a natural result of an unnatural lifestyle.
2. A smile is a bloom of the soul.
3. Disease occurs only when our internal environment is favorable for
disease growth. We create our internal environment through our diet,
lifestyles, and thoughts.
4. As you never see flies in a clean garbage can, you also never see
disease in a completely pure being.
5. We tailor-make hormones perfectly designed by the intensity and
type of thought and feeling. In this way we virtually control every
physiological activity in our bodies.
6. The goal therefore, is to achieve unconditional love for everybody
and everything and then, to amplify it continuously.
8. How can a truly clean person possibly become infested with
parasites or pathogenic bacteria? They can't.
9. In America far, far more people die from too much protein than not
10. Attacks by germs (parasites, fungus, virus, bad bacteria) can
only be successful when our bodies have devolved into a severely
polluted environment.
11. All dis-eases are the result of mental and physiological filth.
12. Germs can only cause infection in a susceptible host.
13. It is what we do to ourselves that governs our state of health,
not what is done to us.
14. We do not need to know the name of disease, but we do need to
know how to get rid of the internal filth which comprises the
environment that causes the disease.
15. We never need to be attacked by outside entities, commonly called
germs. We can create them within our own bodies by polluting our
16. Whatever we have put into our bodies that interferes with its
ability to function properly must be removed.
17. Did you know that there has never been a disease that someone
hasn't conquered?
18. We also need to treat the liver by cleansing and strengthening
it, and we can never successfully accomplish this without first
cleansing the bowels.
19. The survival of every animal, bird, fish, plant, and germ
(whether it be bacteria, viruses, fungus, or protozoa), depends
entirely upon its environment. Pathogenic germs cannot overcome a
clean, healthy, and vibrant human body.
20. Disease occurs only when our internal environment is favorable
for disease growth.
21. The ability to love at higher levels is inhibited by the
brutality and cruelty of flesh-eating.
22. Studies show that vegetarians are stronger, more agile, have
twice the stamina, less disease, and recover from fatigue faster than
23. A Yale University study revealed that vegetarians have nearly
twice the stamina of meat-eaters.
Our Bodies, Minds, and Affairs Are Modified by Our Thoughts and
24. Let us see ourselves the way we want to be. Let us, to the very
best of our ability, act as though we are now that which we want to
25. When we begin to practice these exercises, all the negative
thoughts and feelings that interfere with our desired goals will
begin to surface.
26. Watch that our attention does not become fixed on the things we
do not want.
27. What we give or do to other parts of life we force into
28. If we want perfection, we absolutely must see perfection in
others as well as ourselves.
29. If you do not see perfection, if you see other than God's
perfection, then you contribute to the darkness of the world.
30. Judging the mistakes of others binds us to them.
31. The original sin is egotism, which is the failure to see the
Oneness of life.
32. I challenge everyone reading these words to practice gratitude,
appreciation, and non-judgment, for these bring forth love and
healing like nothing else does.
33. If we are not laughing or at least chuckling to ourselves every
few minutes, then we can be certain that we are suffering from
34. The fulfillment of all hopes is love.
35. Joy is love in action.
36. The most important effort anyone can ever make to obtain success,
happiness and health, is to establish the habit of unconditional love
for everyone and everything. No greater aspiration exists.
37. It is consciousness - the beliefs we hold about ourselves, our
basic mental points of view, our emotional habits - which govern our
38. Our subconscious mind doesn't function in limitation, only our
conscious mind does that.
39. Emotions such as grief, guilt, feelings of failure, resentment,
and suppressed anger produce over-secretion of the same hormones that
suppress the immune system. Can we reverse this condition by creating
emotions of love and joy?
40. Both small and large masses of tumors have disappeared virtually
overnight. Just before the cure appears, almost every patient
experiences a dramatic shift in awareness.
41. Unconscious mind doesn't care what seeds we give it, nor what it
will manifest for us. Its fruits are always the results of the seeds
we planted within it.
42. Whenever people consider themselves victims, (thinking: this is
not my fault; it was imposed upon me!), then, at the very moment they
proclaim their belief, usually unconsciously, then they do not have
the power to protect or heal themselves. This is a grave mistake, for
it blocks the healing process.
Modern Medicine
43. Modern medical science is the only organization that suggests
using treatments worse than the disease.
44. Drugs and radiation suppress the body's toxin- and
emotion-releasing activity. If we want true healing, we must allow
all toxins to surface and be released.
45. Following breathing, and the heart beating, the next most
important physiological function our bodies perform is to maintain a
balanced pH.
46. When the body becomes low in its supply of an electrolyte, it
will go to other parts of the body, break down tissue, and retrieve
the needed electrolytes.
47. Eating only organically grown produce is the only way we can be
confident that we are receiving adequate supply of minerals, since
commercially grown produce is usually deficient in minerals.
48. Adequate healing cannot occur until we have replenished our
mineral supply and brought our bodies into the proper pH.
49. A lack of organic minerals anywhere in our bodies means a
decrease in cell and enzyme function.
50. Only slight changes in pH from normal levels can cause extreme
alterations in the rates of chemical reactions - inside and outside
the cells.
51. Every function of our bodies is dependent upon an adequate supply
of minerals.
Mucoid Plaque
52. Mucoid plaque seems to be the forerunner of many disease
conditions. Not just in the bowel, but diseases throughout the entire
53. One of the main problems with mucoid plaque is that it can
inhibit the in- and out-flow of the gastric and intestinal fluids,
and interfere with proper digestion.
54. Mucoid plaque actually protects pathogens from what ever luminal
attack we may wish to administer. Clinical studies have shown that
pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli, actually hide underneath the
mucoid plaque and are completely separated from luminal contents.
55. Food must make contact with the 22 or more digestive enzymes that
extrude from the epithelium and out through the glycocalyx. However,
this is not happening with the vast majority of people in the Western
World, because of the layer, or layers, of mucoid plaque.
56. Mucoid plaque is a normal by-product of unnatural acids or toxic
Digestive System
57. The bowel feeds every organ, every tissue, every cell in our
bodies and when the quality of feeding from the digestive system is
contaminated or of poor quality, the cells and organs in the rest of
the body will also be of poor quality. A toxic bowel means toxic
blood and lymph, toxic organs and cells, and toxic function.
58. All physiological, chemical, and anatomical processes in every
cell and organs in our bodies are completely dependent upon the
digestive system.
Steps in Overcoming Disease
59. The first step in overcoming disease is to put a stop to its
cause. This should always begin by eliminating the source of the
habits and acts of creating negative thoughts and feelings which are
the original cause of disease.
60. The second step is the most important of all, and that is to
seriously and enthusiastically practice appreciation, joy and love -
for all life unconditionally. Love, peace, harmony, gratitude, and
praise trigger positive hormonal and nerve influences - expanding the
life, energy, and light in the body, bringing vitality and happiness.
For these states of consciousness purify and strengthen the life
force within us.
61. The third step toward overcoming disease is to remove congestion
and toxins from the body, mind, and emotions. These toxic substances
have lodged deep within our bodies.
62. The fourth step toward perfect health of the body is to stop
eating "foods" that are dead, deficient, processed or toxic, for they
cause mucus, excess acid, more toxins, and congestion.
63. The fifth step toward lasting health is to supply the body with
the needed elements of organically grown foods, clean air, pure
water, alkaline minerals, and massive doses of Love and Joy.
64. The sixth step is to rebuild the body's organs and glands. This
means to rebuild the digestive function after we have cleansed it,
and to cleanse and rebuild the liver, kidneys, spleen, and the
glandular system. It means also to strengthen the heart, lungs, and
65. The seventh step is to exercise on a regular basis.
66. "And... now we know just how far you are willing to go to purify
yourself. That! will be your greatest benefit." - Saint Germain.
67. The liver is one of the keys in getting well. We must remove as
many of the toxins as we can, the more the better, as quickly as
possible, and without over-burdening the already over-burdened liver
and - I must add - the kidneys too.
68. We attack our own bodies principally by eating the wrong foods
and generating stressful emotions which alter our internal
69. The entry of an outside entity (bacteria, virus, parasite)
usually has little effect upon our bodies unless our internal
environment has become acidic and polluted.
70. Disease is never acquired. It is always earned. Disease is a
natural result obtained from an unnatural lifestyle. Disease is not a
question of exposure. It is an internal development which can lead to
exposure susceptibility.
71. Each cell in the body has the intelligence to grow an entirely
new body, and it doesn't matter whether the body is 2 years old or
120, the cells always know what to do. Our mission, should we choose
to accept it, is to make certain our bodies have the material it and
cleanliness it needs to do its job.
72. All life on our planet depends upon a specific environment for
survival. Including germs.
73. We must alter our normal healthy internal environment before
germs can survive.
74. Our negative feelings are the kinks that produce every
undesirable experience that we have ever had or ever will have in our
lives. Indeed, we reap what we sow.
75. How is it that the slow deterioration of old age occurs with
almost everyone? For, over 90% of our bodies are completely renewed
in less than a year.
76. We do this by maintaining the positive consciousness during the
cleansing process and allowing the old negative consciousness to be
released without judgment. For it is the judgment that binds them to
the new cells.
77. Any time we cleanse, it is essential to keep our attention upon
the things we want rather than the thing we do not want - the
thoughts, feelings, and habits that move us toward perfect health,
vitality, success, and love.
78. It is through cleansing, and later, fasting, that we can quickly
remove the physical accumulation which has anchored various mental
and emotional blockages.
79. The most vital, most important part of all is to see, feel, and
act as though our goals are complete - now!
80. You see the subconscious mind has already created our life to be
the way it is now, because we programmed it to be that way.
Favorite Sayings
"As everything is impermanent, fluid and interdependent, how we act
and think inevitably changes the future. There is no situation,
however seemingly hopeless or terrible, such as a terminal disease,
which we cannot use to evolve." - Sogyal Rinpoche.
"Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel.
When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so on to the organs
and tissues... it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for
first before any effective healing can take place." - Doctor Bernard
Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.
"There is but one disease and that is deficient drainage." - Sir
Arbuthnot Lane MS, FRCS, surgeon for the King of England.
"I am exceedingly impressed by the sequence of cancer and intestinal
stasis." - Sir Arbuthnot Lane MS, FRCS, surgeon for the King of
"Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have
never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were
performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal. - Dr.
Harvey Kellogg, M.D. of the Kellogg Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Michigan.