Saturday, December 31, 2005

Be, Do and Have

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you love to do, in order to have what you want."
-- Margaret Young

The formula for success is Be, Do, Have. If we seek abundance, we must be abundant in spirit. We can begin to cultivate spiritual wealth by opening our hearts in gratitude.

Start a gratitude journal today. Each evening, write down at least 5 things for which you are grateful. This simple tool will help you open your eyes to the abundance of your world right now.

"Who does not thank for little will not thank for much."
-- Estonian proverb


These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional Freedom Techniques
Where emotional relief brings physical health
Self help method often works where nothing else will
No Drugs Involved ~ High Success Rate
Visit the EFT Web site for a rich
source of information

Home Page
Depression Section
Trauma & Abuse Section
Anxiety & Stress Section
Children's Section
Addictions, Compulsions &
Overweight Section
Physical Symptoms Section

EFT Order Page


1. Proper hydration with water is essential. Most of us need at least
six to eight 8-ounce glasses of good, clean drinking water daily.
Coffee, alcohol, and sodas or other sugary beverages do not count
toward our daily two quarts of liquids as they do not hydrate our
tissues and often have the opposite effect, causing dehydration.
Water is the best choice for proper hydration. However, herbal teas
and fresh juices do count because of their high water content;
furthermore, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet do add to our
water intake. Water is second in importance to air, which we need by
the minute. We can survive about a week without water, whereas most
of us can live as long as six weeks without food. Water supports our
immune system and flushes toxins from the lymph system and body. Our
bodies are about 70% water‹10 to 12 gallons! In fact, brain and
muscle are about 75% water and blood is 85% water content. Except for
bone and fat tissue, most of our body is water.

2. Finding the right water balance for each of us is also important.
This is based on our body size, level of physical activity, exercise
and sweating, the local climate, and our diet. A diet that is dry and
high in proteins and fats creates a need for even more water to flush
these foods healthfully through our system. The average American
drinks only 4.6 servings/cups of water a day, or 36 ounces. That¹s a
bit shy, especially when most of us do not consume our share of fresh
fruits and veggies.
Water drinking should be a habit, something we do without having to
think about it. Only one third of Americans claim they drink eight
glasses of water a day; 28% have three or fewer servings, and nearly
10% say they don't drink water at all. The most frequent reason given
by Americans for not drinking water is lack of time, as reported by
21% in a recent survey. Like anything, preparation saves time and
allows us to engage in these healthier habits. Prioritize water
hydration. And during hot weather, drink 2 to 3 glasses more than
usual. When we have a cold, or for many illnesses and symptoms, like
headaches and allergies, it is
helpful to hydrate the body fully with water and herbal teas. We can
know this by our urinary output, generally every couple hours during
the day.

3. EXERCISE - every month I tell you to move your body! Create a
consistent and sometimes challenging program. It¹s so important to
your health.
And remember that when you exercise regularly and sweat, you need
more fluid replacement. Drink before (2 cups 1-2 hours before) and
after your workout (1-2 cups), and during exercise if it¹s
appropriate. Drink cool temperature water, and don¹t depend on thirst
to tell you; drink anyway!
Take your walks, go on hikes, ride a bike, and work out with weights
at home or at a gym. Even try something new, like a yoga class.
Stretch out your body and stay flexible and youthful. Before and
during exercise, drink fluids and particularly water, to reduce body
temperature, moderate cardiovascular stress and improve performance.
After a strenuous workout, it's important to replace the fluids
you've lost.

As Jack LaLanne [Vegetarian]says in his Share Guide (May/June 2002)
interview, "Exercise is king, Nutrition is queen. Put them together
and you have a healthy kingdom." (A less patriarchal word for what
men and women share could be a "sharedom" or "equi-dom," or make one
up you like.)

4. Good, clean water is not a given. Most city waters, and even
wells, are suspect for contamination with microbes and chemicals. I
believe it is wise to invest in an appropriate filtration system
since water is such an important component of our body. The best is a
Reverse Osmosis unit or a Solid Carbon block type filter; what¹s most
effective for your home use depends on what your water concerns are
and how much water you need.
Many people also buy bottled water from natural springs, or water
bottled after filtration. If you use a consistent brand, check it out
by calling the company and asking for a report. You may also want to
look into an alkaline water unit. There is interesting research on
drinking water that is more alkaline or that contains added
bicarbonates (and may include calcium and magnesium salts), and on
this water¹s balancing, healing effects.

5. Dehydration is a very common problem that nearly every one of us
experiences at some time. Every cell in our body requires water to
function‹to bring in nourishment and carry away toxins. When these
functions aren't performed fully due to dehydration, a range of
symptoms can occur. At even 1% dehydration, most people get thirsty,
which is the body's warning sign. Dehydration can cause dry mouth,
flushed skin, fatigue, lightheadedness, headache, or impaired
physical performance, as well as lapses in concentration. Headache
may be a sign of increased toxicity. Other problems from more chronic
dehydration include constipation and poor digestive function, dry and
itchy skin, a reduction
in urine output, and even an increased incidence of painful kidney
stones. Remember my favorite slogan, "Dilution is the solution to
pollution." So, drink your water!

6. Add some nutrients to your water and it may make it healthier and
more palatable for you. Some folks do not like to drink plain water;
they just have distaste for it. If so, try various bottled waters to
see if there is one you like. Add some lemon, lime, or a tea bag to
give it some flavoring. Water can also be flavored with some orange
or apple juice, or some nutrient powders like Emergen-C or another
vitamin/mineral combination available at your store. My family starts
each day with nutrient-rich water and juice. Warming drinks include
herbal and green teas, lemon water, chai, and vegetable broth.
Starting the day with a cup of hot water can awaken you and your
digestion. Hot water sipped
through the day is a popular therapy for illness in Asia.

7. The best time to drink water is first thing in the morning
--ideally two or three glasses. I also encourage people to drink
between meals rather than too much while eating, as increased fluids
dilute the strength of our digestive juices and lower the efficiency
of digestion and assimilation. For those working to lose weight,
drinking a couple glasses of H2O about 30 minutes before meals will
hydrate the tissues, calm the appetite and likely lower the amount of
food consumed. Water is also so important to healthy skin and good
circulation, to staying
young and healthy. To summarize, the ideal times to drink water are:
o First thing in the morning, when you wake up
o Mid-morning
o Mid-afternoon

8. Water and weight loss is an important topic, so here¹s a bit more.

Focus mainly on vegetables and other wholesome foods and away from
processed and sweetened high-calorie foods and snacks. Definitely
switch from the caloric, sugary sodas and other drinks to pure Water.
And drink several glasses when arising and 30 minutes before planned
meals. Make this a priority, and make it fun and tasty. Review Tips
number 6 and 7 above for further ideas, plus number 3 for your
exercise motivation.
Carry water with you so you have it available. Have a couple fruits
daily, plus make and consume homemade vegetable soups.

9. Kids need water too. Children don¹t handle heat and dehydration as
well as adults, and the younger they are, the greater the concern.
Diarrhea and subsequent dehydration and malnourishment may be the
number one cause of death in kids throughout the world. Elders need
water too.
They are also sensitive to dehydration and the effects of hot
Heating and cooling of the body can be accomplished with warm or cool
foods and beverages. This is a natural inclination, yet it may need
to be developed in this world where kids (and all of us) are exposed
to relentless advertising. Drinking warm/hot water and teas is a good
habit for those living in the colder climates. Adding splashes of
juice is helpful in getting kids to drink water instead of sugary
Also, adding a nutrient powder, many of which are nicely flavored,
provides a good start to a child¹s day, or as replenishment after a
busy or active time. For children who are overweight or who are
fixated on sodas and sugary drinks, it will be a great lifetime
health benefit to switch them to water and lighter drinks, such as
juice and carbonated water combinations. Be a good example by
drinking your water too!

10. Other General Ideas on Water.
o Water your flowers and plants.
o Use aromatherapy and flowered sprays to mist the air and your body,
and like plants, you can hydrate yourself.
o With airplane travel it¹s easy to experience dehydration, so drink
your water and avoid salted foods and alcohol beverages.
o Many medications, such as diuretics, can cause dryness, while
others can cause water retention and bloating. Learn about any
medicines you take, even the natural ones. Mainly, when we take
meds or eat too much junk, we usually need to drink lots of water.
o The containers from which we drink water are also important. I
prefer glass or the harder and more stable poly-carbonate plastic
rather than polyethylene material which emits plastic into the water
more readily.
Particularly avoid all plastic containers for lemon water or the
Master Cleanser, because the acids in the lemon even leach more
o Bathe your body regularly. Soak in water for the relaxation and
healing it generates. Regular sweating, as in saunas, physical work,
sweat lodges, hiking, or eating chili peppers may help us to live
long and healthfully! Swimming is a great recreation and exercise.
Find a lake, river, or the ocean and have some great swim fun this

Stay Healthy.
Blessings in Love and Life,
Dr. Elson

Argisle Tip: Freeze plastic bottles of water in your freezer for
future use and to keep your fridge cool if electricity goes out.
Plus, you have drinking water as it melts. You can also use them
behind your neck to cool you down or to keep your picnic cooler cold
for your day on the river, at the lake, or at the beach. Play, get
wet with the hose, and get water between your toes. It takes water to
grow a rose...

Water, Water by Bethany Argisle and Elson Haas
Flow, trickle, float.
Sail on a boat
Expand, freeze and thaw, wash your veggies when raw
Emotional expression comes through well-watered organs,
like the kidneys and bladder.
Let it flow, let it grow
Oh, eyes when dry do not cry,
Brains that are dry strain in pain
Drinking alcohol, eating breads and sugars dehydrate.
Make a dip-in-water date.
Add lemon and herbs to water, and drink plenty
You are a moist cellular being
There is dew, there are reservoirs, the entire world of water
is a reflection of Earth¹s two thirds content
All creatures live in or near water and depend upon it
Water is lifeŠ
Water your plants, wash your pants, bathe your body
We all require water to thrive and survive. Be Wet and Be ALIVE!

SAFE WATER TIPS (for Travel and Suspicious Water) Excerpted from The
Staying Healthy Shopper's Guide by Elson Haas, MD. (Celestial Arts
Press, 1999).

1. Avoid drinking tap water as your main source of drinking water,
especially water with chlorine and fluoride.
2. Drink either bottled water or filtered water, depending on your
family's needs and budget.
3. Consider having your regular drinking water professionally
assessed, particularly if you have a well. Sources: National Testing
Lab at 800-458-3330 and and Suburban Water Testing at
800-433-6595 and
4. If you want to use a filtration system and you're puzzled about
which one to use, choose the reverse osmosis with a post-carbon
filter. You may also want to make sure you get enough minerals in
your diet or as a supplement.
5. If you must drink tap water, avoid the first morning's water and
boil it for 10-20 minutes.
6. Avoid using tap water in baby formulas and young children's foods.

Never use hot tap water, which can contain even more lead and
7. If you shower regularly with chlorinated water, invest in an
inexpensive dechlorinator and filter attachment for the shower.
8. When traveling, be extra careful about contaminated water. When
camping, boil your water for 15 to 20 minutes, use iodine tablets, or
an appropriate travel filtration system with a very fine filter.
9. Read up on drinking water issues in books such as Your Bodies Many
Cries for Water by Batmanghelidj, Healing Waters by the Keegans and
The Healing Energies of Water by Charlie Ayrie.

AND REMEMBER: It's still a great time to do a cleansing/detox program
if it's right for you.

Check out the Master Cleanser
and other cleanses as well as the how-tos of cleansing in several of my books,

The Detox Diet,

Staying Healthy with the Seasons,

or The
False Fat Diet.

If you have any health conditions, you may wish to go
more carefully, utilizing professional guidance with someone who is
experienced in detoxification practices.

About the submitter:
Submitted by Elson M. Haas, MD, who can be reached at:
Info@e... or visited on the web at

What Are You Procrastinating?

"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started."
-- Dawson Trotman

Procrastination seriously drains our energy and our morale. What remains undone nags at us.

What are you avoiding? Make a list of items and then review each one. Does it really need to be done? After you've reviewed your list, prioritize it and start one task today.

Please do not procrastinate taking one minute to write down your answer to this question. Capture it on paper and this will help build awareness, commitment and discipline.

"How soon not now, becomes never."
-- Martin Luther

"Talk does not cook rice."
-- Chinese proverb

"Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing!"
-- Donald Gardner

These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

Benefits of Recycling


Did you know that YOU, as an individual, CAN make a difference in the world!?

Currently the environment has so many complex problems that many people think they can’t possibly have an effect on them as an individual. Problems like global warming, hazardous waste, loss of rain forests, endangered species, acid rain, the ozone layer, to mention a few may seem like those situations are out of our control. But, there are ways to help, even as just one person, and then another person will join in and if each person would realize they CAN make a difference it’d make a WORLDY difference!

Recycling Saves:
· Natural Resources
· Saves Energy
· Saves our Environment

Small Ways to Make Big Changes:

  • Use recycled products (paper, containers and more)
  • Buy products in reusable containers such as glass jars and sturdy plastic dairy tubs. Reuse these containers when storing bulk foods, or leftovers, whatever you can think of. Kids crayons, small toys go great in plastic tubs.
  • Use cloth napkins, towels, rags and diapers.
  • Reuse plastic containers, coffee cans and glass jars for storage of pencils, crayons and other household and work items.
  • Use BOTH sides of writing paper before recycling it.
  • Reuse envelopes and file folders.
  • Share your magazines with a friend, community group or doctor's office before recycling them. OR better yet, read them ONLINE!
  • Bring unwanted clothing and furniture to a thrift shop--Donate used toys, blankets, clothing and silverware to day care centers, local charities or community groups. OR check online at where you can give away your items or find items you may need there that others are giving away!

Reusing Items Can:

  • Saves you money --Reusable items cost less in the long run because they are not replaced as often as disposable items.
  • Saves landfill space
  • Saves natural resources
  • Decreases the amount of pollution created and save natural resources, such as trees, crude oil and natural gas.

This article was written by Tara Burner.
Article may be reprinted with full information in tact.
Tara, is a vegan eco friendly mom who's out to make a change.
Visit her sites at:

10 Advantages of Eating Raw

The human race learned long ago that cooking meat before eating it would protect them from certain diseases. Since then this practice of cooking has grown to include all types of foods and is now considered an art. Very few meals are eaten which include raw elements, except for the leafy green salad. One advantage of eating raw is that it brings Nature's intentions into focus. When I speak of eating raw, I am referring to fruit, nuts, and vegetables that taste good to the majority of humankind in their basic simplicity direct from tree, bush, or vine.
I realize it isn't easy to simply abandon thousands of years of tradition and revert back to 100% raw food. Margaret Mead once said, "It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet." So to the point, here are 10 advantages to a diet of fresh, whole raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts that may lead you to find a greater place for them in your diet.

1.) Raw foods are better quality; therefore, you eat less to satisfy your nutritional needs. The heat of cooking depletes vitamins, damages proteins and fats, and destroys enzymes that benefit digestion. As your percentage of raw foods increases, you feel satisfied and have more energy on smaller meals because raw food has the best balance of water, nutrients, and fiber to meet your body's needs.

2.) Raw foods have more flavor than cooked foods, so there is no need to add salt, sugar, spices, or other condiments that can irritate your digestive system or over stimulate other organs.

3.) Raw foods take very little preparation, so you spend less time in the kitchen. Even a child of 5 or 6 can prepare most items for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This gives children a sense of self-esteem and independence, not to mention the break it gives Mom or Dad.

4.) When you are eating raw, there's little chance of burns, unless you're in the middle of a forest fire or out in the sun too long. Just think! No burns to tongues, the roof of your mouth, or fingers, and many fewer house fires.

5.) Cleaning up after a raw meal is a snap. No baked-on oils or crusty messes. And any inedible parts go directly to the compost pile.

6.) Eating a diet of raw foods can reverse or stop the advance of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Remember, cooking creates free radicals, which are the major cause of cancer. When you lower the number of free radicals your cells are bombarded with, you lower your risk of cancer.

7.) A raw food diet can protect you from acute diseases such as colds, flu, measles, etc. Raw foods maintain a healthy body, and a healthy body will not become diseased.

8.) As long as you combine raw food properly according to the rules of Natural Hygiene, you will soon reach a level where you no longer suffer from heartburn, gas, indigestion or constipation.

9.) It is environmentally sound. With humanity on a diet of raw foods, the food industry would close up shop and take up organic gardening. This would save us enormous amounts of natural resources used to produce power for these industries. Nuclear power would be clearly unnecessary. And think of how many trees and oil reserves could be saved without the need for the paper and plastics used in packaging our processed foods.There would also be less carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when all the cooking stopped. More oxygen would be produced from all the new orchards and gardens, thus helping to reverse the Greenhouse Effect.

10.) Eating raw saves you money on food, vitamins, pots and pans, appliances, doctor bills, drugs, and health insurance.
So don't waste your food, yourself, and our planet by cooking what you eat. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables which are whole, fresh and raw are brimming with life and have the ability to transmit their life force directly to you.
Susan Jorg,
Estacada, Oregon


Meat Out!

Being vegan, I'm for sure supporting this...
and with all the talk in the news about cloned meat and the FDA saying it's ok to consume and that producers don't have to label such as cloned meat, well that's even more reason for people to join us for MEAT OUT!

On March 20 — the first day of spring — thousands of caring people in all 50 US states and around the world will hold informative and educational Meatout events. Events will include colorful 'lifestivals,' street theater, lectures, public dinners, cooking demos, food samplings, leafleting, information tables called 'steakouts,' and a Congressional Reception in Washington, DC.

The occasion is The Great American Meatout, the world's largest and oldest annual grassroots diet education campaign. Every spring, thousands of Meatout supporters educate their communities and ask their friends, families, and neighbors to pledge to "kick the meat habit (at least for a day) and explore a wholesome, nonviolent diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Friday, December 30, 2005

"Believe In Your Unlimited Potential"

"You cannot see anything that you do not first contemplate as a reality."
-- Ramtha

How do you typically define yourself? Do you tell yourself and others that you are slow and methodical, that you have two left feet, that you are lazy, or unimaginative or that you can’t hang on to money?

In our unconscious self talk, most of us rarely say positive things about ourselves. List the positive and the negative ways you describe yourself. Then look over your list and contemplate how those definitions limit your ability to be cosmic in your outlook and performance.

"Belief has the word ‘lie’ in it... and that pretty much sums up what the world has us believing about ourselves."
-- Doug Firebaugh

"We are what we believe we are."
-- Benjamin N. Cardozo

Power of Positive Habits

Our program is a highly effective self-study course that teaches people how to quickly program their minds and bodies to automatically Lose Weight, Improve their Health, achieve more Success, reduce Cancer risks, have better relationships and much more! Help others climb to new heights in health, career, relationships, enjoyment of life, self esteem, confidence and more.
"The Power of Positive Habits" is the "next generation" in self-help programs.

Support Others with Your Presence

"The purpose of therapy is not to remove suffering but TO MOVE THROUGH IT to an enlarged consciousness that can sustain the polarity of painful opposites."
-- James Hollis

How do we support others who are suffering?

When we understand how soul works through us, we begin to see how pain generates the impulse to change. We see that our aim in supporting someone is NOT to get rid of their pain and suffering. Instead, we want to assist them to understand what the pain is trying to teach them -- to find meaning in their distress.

Often, all we need do is be fully present to them. It also helps to be present to our own experience and genuine in our feelings. Living our own truth helps create the space for the other person to live theirs.

"The first duty of love is to listen."
-- Paul Tillich

"With the gift of listening comes the gift of healing."
-- Catherine de Hueck Doherty

These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

FREE Goal Setting Workbook

Make this year a year to remember. Don't procrastinate any
longer. Honour your ideas, ideals and aspirations. Master
your ability to set targets and complete them. With our FREE
online workbook, you'll:

- discover what really matters to you.
- set priorities for attention and action.
- learn to harness the power of your subconscious to meet
your goals.
- learn to organize, focus and manage your time and energy.
- reduce stress, anxiety and chaos.

Maybe it's time to set or renew goals for yourself.
Experience the power of having multiple successes.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Pesticide Calculator and Food Additive Fact sheets

The two websites below help us evaluate how many synthetic toxins are
in the food we consume on a daily basis.
You will be surprised and even concerned!!!

Go to this website and click on the Produce Scanner link.
It's a tool that works out how many pesticides are in some
conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, and compares them with
organically grown equivalents.

Go to this website and click on the Fact sheets button
It provides a list of fact sheets to help you find out which food
additives you need to avoid most, and the symptoms that can result
from consuming them.


As the New Year is approaching, I'm making an effort to spend a little of my time doing NOTHING!
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Stretch Yourself

"People are defeated by easy, victorious and cheap successes more than by adversity."
-- Benjamin Disraeli

Today’s social standard is one of mediocrity. The status quo rarely challenges our individual creative power.

Create a brand new world for yourself, one that meets your deepest needs. By doing so, you will help raise the quality of consciousness of the entire world. Use your imagination! Sing your own song!

"Success means fulfilling your own dreams, singing your own song, dancing your own dance, creating from your heart and enjoying the journey, trusting that whatever happens, it will be OK. Creating your own adventure!"
-- Elana Lindquist


These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

Maintaing a Healthy Weight-Benefits of Vegan Diet

by Dr. Deborah Wilson

Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the United
States, and it will soon become the country’s leading cause of
preventable death. Despite the growing number of “diets” that are
touted throughout the country, Americans just keep getting fatter. A
government review of all the studies on weight loss found that
two-thirds of dieters gain all the weight back within a year, and a
whopping 97 percent gain it all back within five years. This yo-yo
weight fluctuation is worse than being overweight; 97 percent of
dieters would have been better off if they hadn’t even bothered.

There has not been a single study indicating that high-protein diets
such as Atkins work for more than a year. In fact, two studies showed
that weight loss on the Atkins Diet reversed or stalled after just
six months, and Atkins himself died at 258 pounds. The only
weight-loss plan that has been scientifically proved to take weight
off and keep it off for more than a year is a vegetarian diet. Many
delicious vegan foods are naturally low in fat, so quantity and
calorie restrictions are unnecessary. My colleague Dr. Dean Ornish
calls it the “eat more, weigh less” diet (and even wrote a wonderful
book with that title).

Researchers have found that overweight people consume about the same
number of calories as slim people—but they don’t consume the same
kinds of food. Animal products contain much more fat than plant-based
foods—animal flesh, after all, is designed to store calories, which
makes it one of the worst things that a dieter can eat. Because
vegetarian diets are the only diets that work for long-term weight
loss, it’s no surprise that population studies show that meat-eaters
have three times the obesity rate of vegetarians and nine times the
obesity rate of vegans. It’s possible to be an overweight or obese
vegan, of course, just as it’s possible to be a thin meat-eater, but
adult vegans are, on average, 10 to 20 pounds lighter than adult

Adopting a vegan diet won’t just help you slim down, it will also
help you fight an array of ailments, including heart disease,
diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Cornell
University, arguably the foremost epidemiologist in the world,
states, “Quite simply, the more you substitute plant foods for animal
foods, the healthier you are likely to be. I now consider veganism to
be the ideal diet. A vegan diet—particularly one that is low in
fat—will substantially reduce disease risks. Plus, we’ve seen no
disadvantages from veganism. In every respect, vegans appear to enjoy
equal or better health in comparison to both vegetarians and

It’s never too late to turn over a new leaf—you can lose weight and
take control of your health today by going vegetarian. Check out
these weight loss success stories
and request a free vegetarian starter kit today!

and for more personalized counseling on weight management or transitioning from standard american diet to vegetarian or vegan diet visit

New Years Resolutions & Goals

How Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

"Everybody wants to be somebody; nobody wants to grow."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What do you want to achieve this year?

If you don't know, how are you possibly going to get it?

And if you know but don't have an action plan, how are you possibly going to get it?

Please excuse the preaching. But so many of us give lip service to goals without making even the smallest effort to support change in our lives.

WE CONTINUE TO SELF-SABOTAGE OURSELVES. We buy into our old stuff. We continue to justify our limitations.

When are we going to break this cycle of defeat?

Statistics show 95% of North Americans do not write down goals. Of the 5% that do, 95% of these folks don't follow up with the goals they've set. Only a special few in a thousand follow through with creating progressive, meaningful change in their lives.

Working with goals is empowering! When you set and continually review your goals, you:
- accomplish what's really important
- stay organized and focused
- bring more meaning into your life
- overcome procrastination and increase your productivity
- improve your decision-making ability
- maintain your motivation and inspiration
- attain clarity, balance and peace of mind

Goal setting is all about honouring yourself! About getting what you want. About achieving success - happiness, meaning and abundance.

Yes, it takes time and effort to build the discipline to stick with your goals. But the return is far greater than the investment.

If you want positive change in your outer world, you must learn how to change inside. You must change some of your perspectives, behaviour, and habits. It only takes minutes each day to focus your attention on what matters to you.

Have you heard the definition of insanity? Expecting different results from the same old behaviour.

This is a great opportunity to practice basic awareness. Each time you procrastinate something, see what attitudes, behaviours and feelings come up. What self-talk do you use? How do you justify your failure to act? How do you make up excuses? You probably use these same ones in many places in your life. And yes, they get the same results - nothing.

How do you sabotage yourself? How do you undermine your integrity and commitments?

How well is what you're doing now serving you? Time for a change? Resolve to learn the simple goal-setting skills that will make a difference in your life now!

"You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?" - Robert Louis Stevenson

Patrice Steen and John Robson
Personal Development Plans
Online courses, FREE Inner Journey newsletter and
daily email coaching for personal and spiritual growth

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Use Your Breath To Relax Your Body

"Breath is the link between the inner and outer worlds."
-- Alice Christensen

We live in very demanding times, and our health depends on our being able to relieve our bodies and minds from constant stress. Breathing with awareness can focus and concentrate our attention inside. This slows down our pace and eases the pressure, anxiety, anticipation and excitement that are common stress reactions.

At any time, you can consciously experience your breathing to help you concentrate your mind and relax your body. Compare how you feel after your session with how you felt before. Write about your experience in your journal.

"Controlled deep breathing helps the body to transform the air we breathe into energy. The stream of energized air produced by properly executed and controlled deep breathing produces a current of inner energy which radiates throughout the entire body and can be channeled to the body areas that need it the most, on demand."
-- Nancy Zi


These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

Monday, December 26, 2005

"Live In Relaxation"

"It would be glorious to see mankind at leisure for once. It is nothing but work, work, work."
-- Henry David Thoreau

Is relaxation possible only when we’re not working? No. With awareness and practice, we can be relaxed no matter what we are doing. In fact, when we work in a relaxed state, our productivity increases as our effort decreases.

For true relaxation, we need to connect with our bodies -- to consciously and intentionally become aware of tension and release it.

"Anxiety breaks a man’s backbone."
-- Hebrew proverb

"Don't hurry, don't worry. You're only here for a short visit. So be sure to stop and smell the flowers."
-- Walter Hagen

These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

Power of Exercise & Ultimate Weight Loss

A 12-week tried and tested hypnosis program based on an approach to weight management that Victoria Wizell successfully used during one-on-one hypnosis sessions with clients.
If you have the motivation and desire to succeed at your weight loss goals, you now have all the tools you need in this 12-week program.
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It’s a proven fact that the only way to burn fat from your body is through a proper diet and exercise.
This will help you to raise your energy levels to help you to do the things in your life you normally procrastinate (like exercise).
Achieve new heights of success by visualizing clearly the outcome you are looking toward achieving.


Trees In the News-- Read your News Online!!!

Why are there so many trees in the news?

The Bite:
Ok, trees don’t make a lot of headlines, but they do still make a lot of newspapers.
The New York Times uses 100 acres worth just for the Sunday edition alone.
Reading the newspaper in print is so 20th century.
Start reading your news online.

Online news is generally free, and if everyone in the U.S. switched we’d save 41,000 trees every day and avert 6 million tons of waste from landfills.

Since 1990, the paper recovered through US recycling efforts would fill 200 football stadiums to a height of 100 feet.

The Benefits

* Save trees. Americans are recycling more paper than ever, but the rate of new paper use outgrew recycling in 2004. While recycling is good, reducing is even better.

* Reduce energy use and toxic pollution. The pulp and paper industry is the world's fifth largest industrial consumer of energy and uses more water to produce a ton of product than any other industry.

* Get news you can use. Lots of online news outlets offer customizable headline delivery via email, and many also have blogs so you can talk back.

* Save money. Home delivery costs at least $5/week, while online is either free or generally less than $50/year.

* Still read your paper on your commute. Go ahead and print out articles you want to take with you. 10 pages of recycled printer paper is still a lot less than the whole shebang.

for more Eco Friendly tips, click on the image below!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Christmas

Why be 'normal' and say Merry Christmas, not my style!
that and so many say Merry Christmas as force of habit and don't give it much thought, so for me, happy Christmas works better!!!

So HAPPY Christmas and happy holidays to everyone of all religions, races, beliefs, backgrounds and all that jazz... EVERYONE should have a blessed day!!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Health Anaylzer

Try the FREE Health Analyzer to determine your system profile. You can then devise a nutritional plan to best meet your needs. When you have finished click "view results" to calculate your results.
Perfect way to start the new year!!!

Positive Changes & SUCCESS

Positive Change by Tracking Your Success

A workbook to help you in achieving goals through positive change

"When performance is MEASURED,
performance improves."
-- Author Unknown

Achieve goals and attain clarity, focus, meaning and results

It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. When we're consumed with activity, we tend to do what's urgent rather than what's important. We're not always aware when we're out of balance. And in the whirlwind, we can lose track of what we most want for our lives.

This workbook for Achieving Goals through Positive Change will support you to:

* Learn powerful tools to maintain attention and intention.
* Develop measuring sticks for your growth.
* Identify the right tools that work for you
* Build your success habits
* Develop self discipline
* Clearly identify your next step.

It offers you 11 powerful Tracking Tools to keep you focused. Explore each of them so you can use those that prove most effective for you.

When you download the workbook, you will also receive 30 days of support emails. With additional tips and inspiration, these emails will help you cultivate discipline, clear intention, completion, positive change, understanding, clarity and quality of results.

Learn how to stay on track with what is important to you. Maintain your focus. Watch "success breed more success." Develop persistence and keep your eyes on the bigger picture of your life.

Order your workbook and 30 days of support emails today to guide you in achieving goals through positive change.

Only $12. Full satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
Achieving Goals Through Positive Change Using Tacking Tools NOW for only $12.00 (USD)NOW!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005


"How Do You Work With Anger?"

"Character isn’t inherited. One builds it daily by the way one thinks and acts, thought by thought, action by action. If one lets fear or hate or anger take possession of the mind, they become self-forged chains."
-- Helen Douglas

How do you feel about anger, in yourself and in others? How do you deal with it?

Anger is powerful energy. If we are afraid of this energy, we may attempt to deny or hide it. And when we lack control of the energy of anger, we impose it on other people or things.

The ways we react to anger usually reflect how we experienced anger as children and how our own anger when we were young was handled by the adults at the time.

In reality, anger, like any emotion, brings us information. It tells us how we feel about what is being experienced. If we receive anger’s message and learn more about ourselves, the energy will pass.

"Too often we underestimate how quickly our feelings are going to change because we underestimate our ability to change them."
-- David Gilbert


These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information

Tap into your unconscious and your intuition.
Release stress, blocks and negative emotions.
Unravel what holds you back. Access your own inner wisdom.
Offering 20 powerful workbooks with daily email support.
Visit NOW!

After Christmas Eco Friendly Ideas

After Christmas - Recycling Ideas
After the holidays, a real Christmas tree keeps on giving
Environmentally friendly recycling ideas

* Placed in the garden or backyard, the Christmas tree will
provide winter shelter for small birds. Another good idea is to
decorate the tree again. This time hang it with special treats for
the birds: Orange slices will attract birds, as will peanut butter
spread on tree seed cones; or hang suet balls stuffed with sunflower
seeds. If you set your tree outside for the birds, remember to
careully remove all tinsel. Birds will try to eat the shiny stuff and
it will make them sick.

* A Christmas tree is biodegradable. Its branches and needles
make a good mulch in the garden, especially for plants like
rhododendrons which like an acid soil. Many cities and municipalities
gather Christmas trees on special collection days and put them
through shredders which chop them up into small pieces. The resulting
mulch is then used in the summer on the flower beds in city parks.

* Fir tree foliage can be stripped from the branches and snipped
into small pieces for stuffing into aromatic fir needle pillows for
the sofa or bedroom. Some people also use fir foliage in dresser
drawers to give clothing and blankets a fragrant aroma.

* Large quantities of used trees make effective sand and soil
erosion barriers, especially at beaches.

* Old Christmas trees stacked together in a forest provide
shelter for rabbits and other small animals.

* Sunk into fish ponds, Christmas trees make excellent refuge and
feeding areas.

* Woodworking hobbyists can make a multitude of items from the
trunk of a used Christmas tree including buttons, gavels and

Christmas trees are valuable for people and animals:
Christmas Trees are put through shredders to create useful mulch.
Christmas trees are used to create mulch.
Their basic production characteristics make Christmas trees an
extremely friendly farm crop, both to our environment and to people
and animals.

A broad network of roots holds the soil and a continuous ground cover
prevents surface erosion by water and wind. As a long term crop,
trees allow a natural buildup of bird and animal populations. Tree
farms provide stable refuge and feeding areas for wildlife, often
very near large urban centres, at no cost to the taxpayer. Some farms
allow visits at different times of the year. Their accessibility and
the quiet, park like surroundings make these farms very pleasing to
people. Like all plants, the conifers growing for eventual harvest as
Christmas trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they
grow and produce oxygen as a byproduct. One acre of Christmas trees
produces enough oxygen for 18 people. Without this process of
photosynthesis, life could not exist on earth.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Lightening the Holiday Load

Looking for ways to lighten Santa’s load?

The Bite: Americans spend more than $400 billion each holiday season on gifts, wrap and all the trimmings. Our over-indulgence also generates an extra 5 million tons of trash between Thanksgiving and New Years Day!

Try saving money, energy, and resources (not to mention your sanity) with gifts that are less material, but a lot more fun.

Each holiday season, Americans throw away 38,000 miles of ribbon alone—enough to tie a bow around the Earth!

The Benefits

* Non-material gifts don’t involve energy-intensive manufacturing, toxic chemicals, or wasteful packaging.

* A “gift of experience,” such as an evening at the theater, is also a gift of time with family and friends. And isn’t that what the holidays are all about? (Besides, you get to play, too).

* Charitable donations make meaningful gifts that require no wrapping, are tax-deductible and priced to suit any budget.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Benefits of Dark Chocolate

More support for dark chocolate's heart benefits
By Stephen Daniells

A daily treat of dark chocolate can improve overall heart health and
reduce the risk of heart disease, say researchers from Zurich.

“Only a small daily treat of dark chocolate may substantially
increase the amount of antioxidant intake and beneficially effect
vascular health,” said Dr F. Hermann and colleagues from University
Hospital, Zurich.

Dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants, and contains more
polyphenols per gram than green tea or red wine.

The research, published in the journal Heart (vol 92, pp 119-120),
compared the effects of dark or white chocolate on blood flow and the
platelet activity of 20 healthy male smokers.

Smokers were chosen as the study group because smoking is a major
risk factor in cardiovascular health. Endothelial cells, which line
the walls of the arteries, are affected by cigarette smoke, both
passive and active. Platelets contribute to blood clotting and then
to thrombosis.

The volunteers were randomly divided into two groups and, after a
24-hour period of abstinence from polyphenol rich foods, were given
40g of dark or white chocolate.

“Dark but not white chocolate induced a rapid and significant
improvement of endothelial and platelet function in healthy smokers
two to eight hours after ingestion,” said the researchers.

“The high flavonoid content of dark chocolate may potentially
explain the mechanisms for the reduced platelet activation,”
explained Hermann.

Endothelium dysfuntion is caused by reactive oxygen species, but the
high antioxidant content of the dark chocolate slows or blocks these
destructive species.

The new study adds to a growing body of research about the beneficial
effects of chocolate on heart health. Previous studies published in
the American Journal of Hypertension (Vol. 18, Issue 6, pp. 785-791)
and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Vol. 46,
pp.1276-1283), also reported positive effects of dark chocolate on
the health of smokers' blood vessels.

Other studies have claimed promising results against a wide range of
conditions including blood pressure, diarrhoea, breast cancer
prevention and decreasing the effects of aging on the brain.

The Zurich researchers were careful to stress that further research
is required to study the long-term effects of polyphenols on health.
Moderation with chocolate consumption was also stressed particularly
since it may adversely affect heart health because of sugar and fat

The chocolate industry has however already profited from the wave of
positive health effect of cocoa, with producers increasingly
highlighting polyphenol content on their labels.

and you can get great ORGANIC FAIR TRADE dark chocolate from HERE

mmmmmm mmmmmm good and good for you

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Choose What You Want in Life

Choose What You Want In Life!

"You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose." -- Harry Browne

Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another. Are you choosing what you want from life?

"Oh no," comes the reply. "I can't because... I haven't got enough education. ...I need to look after my family. ...I don't have enough money. ...I don't have the time." What's your excuse?

The truth is that we have choice in every single moment of our lives. For those who are destitute, the choices in life are fewer. But the rest of us often think we don't have freedom when we simply haven't claimed our power to choose differently.

How do you typically make decisions? Do you do so based on:

* "shoulds" - doing what you believe you should do.
* pleasing others - doing what others want or expect you to do.
* fear - choosing the safe route for fear of doing something different.
* habit and reaction - you don't even think about what you're doing--you've always done it this way?

On the other hand, you own your power to choose when you decide on the basis of:

* desire - choosing something you want
* need - responding to deeper desires
* authenticity - you know who you are and what you stand for
* creative expression - you strive to be more.

So how can you open to choosing differently?

1. Be clear about what you want. Have a sense of purpose. With a target to aim for, you'll know what will serve you best.

2. STOP and ASK yourself questions. "Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve?" WRITE down your answers. Be more conscious of how you are spending your precious time, because this is your life passing by. This will help you say, "Wait! I don't want to do this anymore!"

3. Never allow yourself to play the victim. Victims have given away their power. You alone are responsible for your life. When you fully accept this, you will claim your inner power to make better choices. Change often comes from nothing more than a shift in perspective.

4. Be open to possibilities for yourself. Select one area of your life where you are unsatisfied, and choose something new, something more for yourself. Do different things and do things differently. Risk more.

Empowerment arises from the three Cs: choice, courage and change. They are yours to claim. You'll be astounded at how easy it will be to take charge once you've made up your mind to do so. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from your past. And remember: not choosing is also a choice.

"It is always your next move." -- Napoleon Hill

To get clear on how you can make better choices for yourself, get our FREE 7 P's Personal Performance Process. 25 questions to keep you clear, balanced, focused and in integrity.
Get it HERE

Patrice Steen and John Robson

Personal Development Plans
Online courses, FREE Inner Journey newsletter and
daily email coaching for personal and spiritual growth

Stress Management


The Stress Management Workshop ~~ We know that there's a lot of stress in your life, especially from November thru January.

The Stress Management Workshop is a technological breakthrough solution to conquer the most common issues that cause stress.
In this workshop there are 6 audio cassettes and a workbook. The workshop was written and narrated by Victoria Wizell, who is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist in Southern Nevada. Victoria has a beautiful, soothing, hypnotic voice.
Accompanied by pleasant, relaxing background music, Victoria will guide you into a peaceful place in your mind through Hypnosis, where positive changes can take place. This workshop is like your own personal growth seminar that you can do in the privacy of your own home or take with you anywhere you go. You will be guided through each incredible and purposeful step of the program.
Get Yours NOW!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Life Success



Life Purpose Guidance - Listen to your inner guidance and live your life purpose. This program is perfect for sleeping or for taking time in hypnosis. The affirmations are carefully constructed to become absorbed into your subconscious mind using a repeat technique. You will be guided to listen to the voice within you, to help give you the information you need to take the appropriate steps in your life and trusting your inner guidance.

Success - Your mind works just like a muscle. Just as you exercise your body, your mind requires exercise in order to function optimally. It needs stretching and exercise just as it needs rest and relaxation. As you do this exercise more and more you will notice yourself making the improvements you desire. As you begin each day with a visualization you become more focused on your goals, priorities and personal objectives for that day. Suggestions for success are reinforced at a deep subconscious level as well as at the conscious level by carrying out instructions given to you during your inner level of mind.

Creativity - You were born with the infinite ability to create and by nature you are creative. You will learn to trust your subconscious mind to help you to become inspired by letting go and by doing that which comes natural to you. Your artistic abilities become better as you take time to allow yourself to make connection with this yourself and acknowledging yourself wholeheartedly as the creator and artist you were meant to be.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Having a WASTE free Holiday


Are you a waste-wise warrior or merely a waste-wise wannabe?
Americans throw away 25% more trash during the Thanksgiving to New
Year's holiday period than any other time of year. The extra waste
amounts to 25 million tons of garbage, or about 1 million extra tons
per week. So, to help trim the trash while trimming the tree, The ULS
Report offers a challenging checklist of simple things you can do to
reduce waste while you eat, drink, and make merry this holiday


By the end of the holiday season, if you checked:

1-7 Waste-Wise Wuss – Using less stuff is only beginning to
penetrate your consciousness (but it’s a start).

8-14 Waste-Wise Wannabe – You’re making a stab at using less stuff,
know you could do better, and feel guilty when you don’t.

15-21 Waste-Wise Warrior – You’re definitely in the waste
prevention trenches on a daily basis.

22 + Waste-Wise Wonder – An inspiration to others – we’re green with


Start the season off right by joining The ULS Report, the EPA, Keep
America Beautiful, and over two hundred organizations across the
country in celebrating the Eighth Annual ULS (Use Less Stuff) Day,
Thursday, November 21st. (Since we know you'll be helping us
celebrate, we've checked this one off for you!)


‘Tis the season of parties and festivities, food and fun. From
Thanksgiving through New Year’s we like nothing more than to eat,
drink and be merry, so we need successful strategies to cut down on
the waste we create from our amplified entertaining.

[ ] Turn down the heat before the guests arrive. You’ll save energy
while the extra body heat of your guests will warm up the room.
[ ] For formal affairs, consider renting seldom worn party clothes
or buying them from consignment shops.
[ ] You can also rent dishes and glassware, making your party more
elegant and eliminating the need to buy special holiday china.
[ ] Walk to neighborhood parties, or carpool (with a designated
driver!) with friends if it’s too far to walk.
[ ] After the party, don’t throw away the leftovers! Put them in
plastic containers or bags and send them home with guests, or donate
to food banks.
[ ] Plan meals wisely and practice portion control to minimize
waste in the first place:

Eggnog 1/2 cup
Turkey 12-14 pounds (up to 10 people)
Stuffing 1/4 pound
Sweet Potato Casserole 1/4 pound
Green Beans 1/4 pound
Cranberry relish 3 tablespoons
Pumpkin Pie 1/8 of a 9" pie

Did you least 28 billion pounds of edible food are wasted
each year – or over 100 pounds per person. Putting one less cookie on
Santa’s plate will reduce his snacking by about 2 million pounds.


There’s no place like home, especially during the holidays, so why
spend so much time, energy, and money traveling when everything you
need is right at home? Pretend you’re a tourist visiting your own
town. Call the AAA, visit your Chamber of Commerce and visit the
local government website. You’ll probably be amazed at the
attractions you’ve taken for granted and never visited.

Also, by staying home you can:

[ ] Reduce the amount of gas used during a heavy travel time.
[ ] Help keep your local economy strong, making for a vital and
thriving downtown - a key to reducing suburban sprawl and related
problems of habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

Did you know...if each family reduced holiday gasoline consumption by
one gallon (about twenty miles), we’d reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by one million tons?


[ ] Get outdoor light strands that are wired in parallel. These
have separate circuitry so that if one bulb blows out the rest will
keep shining; all you have to do is replace the bulb. Those strands
sold with series wiring stand or fall together, making it almost
impossible to find and replace a single blown-out bulb.
[ ] Remember, the smaller the bulbs, the lower the wattage. Low
wattage has two advantages: it consumes less energy and gives off
less heat, making your lights safer.
[ ] Bring your own camera instead of using disposable cameras to
capture holiday memories.
[ ] Faster film speeds, such as 400 or 800, reduce the use of flash
and extend battery life.

Did you purchasing rolls of 36 instead of 12 exposures,
you’ll reduce waste by 67%, saving about $4, or 40% in cost?


[ ] E-commerce is the wave of the future. But remember, e-commerce
is not necessarily waste-free. Choose items that won’t be excessively
packed for shipping.
For you Web-heads, try giving these a click:

[ ] If you’re shopping by mail order catalogue, remember to cancel
the ones you don’t need.

Did you 1981 the average household received 59 mail order
catalogues, and by 1991 the number had increased 140%, to 142?

Did you know...if each household canceled 10 mail-order catalogues it
would reduce trash by 3.5 pounds per year? (If everybody did this,
the stack of canceled catalogues would be 2,000 miles high!)


[ ] During the nation’s busiest shopping season, bring your own
shopping bags. Paper, plastic and cloth are all good; the latter two
can be folded easily into purses and pockets until used.
[ ] Consolidate your purchases into one bag rather than getting a
new bag at each store on your shopping rounds.


[ ] Plan your shopping in advance. Consolidating your shopping
trips saves fuel (and aggravation), and you’ll avoid those last
minute frenzies when you won’t have time to make careful gift
[ ] Rather than piling up "stuff" under the tree, think about what
friends and family really want or need. Try giving gift certificates
if you don’t know what someone wants, or simply make a donation in
his or her name to a favorite charity.
[ ] Give gifts that encourage others to use less stuff, like a
book about making crafts from reusable items, cookbook for leftovers,
reusable tote bags.
[ ] Or simply set a good example by giving homemade food or
something you’ve made yourself from reused items.
[ ] For kids, start a savings account or give stocks or bonds.
It’s fun to watch money grow and it teaches children the value of
financial conservation.
[ ] Shop for gifts at antique stores, estate sales or flea
markets, since one person’s trash is another’s treasure.
[ ] Donate unwanted gifts, along with last year’s gifts that the
kids have outgrown, to charity.


[ ] When buying electronic toys and other portable items that are
used regularly, remember to buy rechargeable batteries to go with
[ ] Instead of wrapping gifts for the kids, hide the presents,
plant clues to where they’re hidden and make the kids’ search into a
treasure hunt.
[ ] Get the kids to make their own tree ornaments out of things you
already have around the house, or from materials they might find in
the backyard: twigs, bark, flowers and herbs, pine cones, etc.
[ ] Old clothes and jewelry make a great dress-up box for kids.
[ ] Tools and gadgets make a great idea box for a young inventor.


Our mailboxes burst this season with membership offerings and
fundraising appeals, presents, gift catalogues and cards. What to do

[ ] Send e-greetings to family, friends and business associates who
are on-line. (Try The Electric Postcard.)
[ ] Save yourself time, money, and hard feelings between friends –
and reduce mail volume – by updating and paring down your holiday
mailing list.
[ ] Be creative. Instead of buying placemats or table decorations,
make your own. Cut old cards into shapes and press between two pieces
of clear contact paper.

Did you know...the 2.65 billion Christmas cards sold each year n the
U.S. could fill a football field 10 stories high? If we each sent one
card less, we’d save 50,000 cubic yards of paper.


[ ] When buying gifts you will send by mail, pick items that are
easy to ship and won’t require excess packaging.
[ ] Reuse packing cartons and shipping materials such as peanuts,
wood shavings, shredded newspaper and bubble wrap.
[ ] Drop off extra packing peanuts at local private mailing
centers. Call the Plastic Loosefill Council’s Peanut Hotline at
1-800-828-2214 for the names of local businesses that reuse them.
(Stores often offer discounts for returning packing materials like
cartons and boxes.)


[ ] Or better yet, think of gifts that don’t have to be wrapped at
all: tickets to concerts, museums, or sporting events, gift
certificates, house plants, or even gifts of your own time.
[ ] When giving oversized gifts like bicycles or CD racks, instead
of wrapping them in paper, just tie a bow around them.
[ ] Wrap gifts in old maps, newspapers, Sunday comics or fancy
holiday gift bags. Kids’ art work is a perfect wrapping for presents
to proud grandparents.
[ ] Use brown paper grocery bags to wrap small-to-medium size
boxes that have to be mailed.
[ ] Make the wrap a part of the gift: Putting cookies in a flower
pot or hiding jewelry in a new pair of gloves will keep your gift
under wraps and the "wrapping" out of the trash.

Did you know...if every family reused just two feet of holiday
ribbon, the 38,000 miles of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the
entire planet?


[ ] Get a tree that can be planted or mulched afterward, or buy an
artificial one.
[ ] Compost your food waste. Fruits and vegetables and their peels,
pits and seeds are all perfect for composting – a great natural

Stress Management

The Stress Management Workshop

The Stress Management Workshop is a technological breakthrough solution to conquer the most common issues that cause stress. Click here for more details

Your Price: $59.00
Serial Number: MM-SMWS
Order NOW


The Stress Management Workshop is a technological breakthrough solution to conquer the most common issues that cause stress.

In this workshop there are 6 audio cassettes and a workbook.

The workshop was written and narrated by Victoria Wizell, who is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist in Southern Nevada. Victoria has a beautiful, soothing, hypnotic voice. Accompanied by pleasant, relaxing background music, Victoria will guide you into a peaceful place in your mind through Hypnosis, where positive changes can take place. This workshop is like your own personal growth seminar that you can do in the privacy of your own home or take with you anywhere you go. You will be guided through each incredible and purposeful step of the program.

There are NINE Hypnosis sessions throughout the 6-cassette workshop. Each session builds upon the last and takes you into deeper levels within yourself. You will learn about the THOUGHTS that are creating your stress. Then we will look at how to handle stress EMOTIONALLY. The PHYSICAL relaxation exercises are enhanced through positive suggestions to help you break through to new levels of health. And finally, we will reach your SPIRITUAL levels. You will journey to a place within where you can begin to creatively realize a renewed peaceful life.

SIDE A: Introduction - History and facts about stress and how it affects you
SIDE B: How we cope with stress and how to better manage it through Hypnosis

SIDE A: Progressive Relaxation
SIDE B: Managing your thoughts

SIDE A: Time management - Determining values
SIDE B: Visualization

SIDE A: Dealing with your emotions
SIDE B: Your physical nature

SIDE A: Managing job stress
SIDE B: Managing your finances

SIDE A: Spirituality - Understanding your inner-self
SIDE B: Spirituality - Contribution


A 44-page spiral-bound workbook is included. The workbook flows in a simple easy-to-follow format and you will be prompted to turn off the tape and utilize a section of the workbook when it's time to do an exercise or to record about your experience.

The Stress Management Workshop is backed by a full 30-day money-back guarantee! If for ANY REASON you are not completely satisfied you can return your tapes for a FULL REFUND.


Celebrate Differences

"Celebrate Differences"

“Souls don’t have races or sexes or religions. They are beyond artificial divisions.”

-- Brian Weiss

Intolerance of differences always exists in people who don’t know who they are, people who don’t have a strong sense of their own authentic self, the soul within.

Intolerance is rooted in fear.

The basis for having a strong sense of self-esteem is to replace our unconscious idea of basic unworthiness with a conscious knowing of our fundamental inherent goodness. As Matthew Fox argues in Original Blessing, the notion of ‘original sin’ must be replaced with the truth of ‘original blessing.’

Being in touch with our essential goodness, we can see the essential goodness in others as well.

“Beliefs separate. Loving thoughts unite.”

-- Paul Ferrini

These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness. They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More to get yours NOW

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Awareness--Build the Habit

"Build The Awareness Habit"

“It is difficult to see the picture when you are inside of the frame.”

-- Author Unknown

Start building the awareness habit: STOP and PAY ATTENTION. Set an intention to become aware of how you automatically react to different things in your life.

For example, how do you react to the alarm clock, the shower, traffic, work colleagues and situations, your partner or children? How do you react to anger or fear in someone else? How do you react to your own anger or fear? Become a witness to your own life. Pay attention to how you do things.

“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”

-- Abraham H. Maslow

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Do You Believe In Yourself?

"Do You Believe In Yourself?"

“We cannot rise higher than our thought of ourselves.”

-- Orison Swett Marden

What do you believe about yourself?

If you are experiencing a lack of something in your life, chances are that you hold a belief in your subconscious that says you aren't worthy of having that quality. Write in your journal the answer to these questions for yourself:

- Where are you not good enough, not worthy enough?
- How willing are you to receive?

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit."

-- e. e. cummings
These quotes are supplied courtesy of Higher Awareness.
They offer inspiring, thought-provoking self development programs to help you clearly understand how life and natural laws work, whilst enhancing intuition and creating the future you desire.
Click Here For More Information.

Offering 20 personal development and spiritual growth programs at Higher Awareness!

Citrimax (Garcinia), Guarana ~ Ingredients of Power Pops

Garcinia Cambogia (Citrimax) contains a biologically active compound which is known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids and lower the formation of LDL and triglycerides. Garcinia Cambogia also contains significant amounts of Vitamin C and has been used as a heart tonic. Research suggests that this natural extract may also inhibit the conversion of excess calories to body fat. Additionally, appetite is also suppressed by promoting synthesis of glycogen. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose, one of the body's primary sources of energy. Increased glycogen production and storage is the body's normal way of signaling the brain's satiety centre that enough food has been eaten. This has made Garcinia a very effective herbal medicine for controlling obesity and cholesterol. It is a well established fat burning agent all over the world and is currently becoming a rage in America, Japan, Europe and many other western nations. It is recommended as a dieting aid supported by exercise and a balanced nutritional diet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Garcinia

Who can take Garcinia Cambogia (citrimax)?
Because herbal medicines are relatively mild and gentle on the human body, Garcinia can be taken by practically everyone, regardless of age and gender. Garcinia can be taken for the following reasons:
- Helps reduce body’s ability to store fat
- Lowers body weight through appetite control
- Lowers serum triglycerides
- Creates a process in the body called thermogenesis
- Helps with catarrhal conditions of the throat, urinary system, and uterus

Is Garcinia addictive?
No, Garcinia does not contain any addictive components and can be taken without fear of addiction for extended periods of time.

Are there any side effects to taking Garcinia?
Garcinia has been found to have no adverse or toxic side effects.

Guarana is an herb that has similarities but has nothing to do with caffeine. Its effects are 2.5 times stronger than the caffeine found in coffee, tea, and soft drinks, but are not notice because of the cool calming effects that this wonderful herbs contain. What makes guaranine unique and opposite from caffeine found in beverages is its slower release. That's because the Guarana seed is fatty (even in powder form) and is not readily water-soluble. Therefore, the body does not quickly absorb it.

Since the guaranine is released slowly, the energy boost that is experienced from Guarana is not like that of coffee with its sudden rush and quick drop-off. Rather, it continues to escalate over hours.

While caffeine from beverages provides a short-lived energy burst that overheats and excites the body, guaranine has a cooling action that revitalizes and relaxes. This is because Guarana contains other components that modify the activity of this substance. The end result is more beneficial to the body than tea or coffee.

Caffeine accelerates the effectiveness of CLA, thus making CLA a more potent fat burner. Guarana has been shown to stimulate the migration of lipids so fat can be burned as energy. In addition to being a fat burner, it can also be considered an appetite suppressant.

Guarana aids in a temporary, natural increase in body temperature and metabolic thermogenesis. It does this through nutritional stimulation of the body's ß receptor pathway. It can induce the breakdown and release of stored body fat thereby allowing stored fats to be turned into energy.

Thermogenesis refers to the body's production of heat -- a normal part of metabolic processes. Thermogenesis can be enhanced by certain nutritional substances. When stimulated through appropriate dietary supplementation, thermogenesis is also a mechanism that increases metabolic rate. Stored body fat, if released and available for use, can provide the fuel for this increased metabolic rate. Other active constituents of guarana are theobromine and theophylline which are called xanthines (a class of thermogenic substances found in tea and certain beans). They have some effect on increasing metabolic rate by suppressing appetite and enhancing both physical and mental performance. They also act as muscle relaxants and possess diuretic properties.

Guarana increases mental alertness, fights fatigue, and increases stamina and physical endurance. Native to Brazil, guarana is taken daily as a health tonic by millions of Brazilians. It is reported to help overcome heat fatigue, detoxify the blood, and is useful for flatulence and obesity. In body care products, it has been used for its astringent properties, toning, and the treatment of cellulite.

In the United States, guarana holds a GRAS-status (Generally Regarded As Safe). In 1989 a patent was filed on a guarana seed extract that was capable of inhibiting platelet aggregation in mammals. The patent described guarana's ability to prevent the formation of blood clots and to help in the breakdown of clots that had already been formed. Clinical evidence was presented in conjunction with the patent in 1989 and again in 1991 by a Brazilian research group demonstrating these anti-aggregation properties. Guarana has a long history of use as an energy tonic and for mental acuity enhancement.

Clinical studies on guarana
In a study published in the June 2001 issue of the Journal of Human Nutrition Diet, guarana extract induced weight loss over 45 days in overweight patients taking a mixed herbal preparation containing yerbe mate, guarana, and damiana. Body weight reductions were 11.22 pounds in the guarana group compared to less than one pound in the placebo group after 45 days.[22]

Guarana extract and fractions decreased platelet aggregation up to 37% of control values and platelet thromboxane formation from arachidonic acid up to 78% of control values. When platelets hyper-aggregate and/or when excess thromboxane formation occurs, an arterial blood clot can develop resulting in a heart attack or ischemic stroke.[23]

In a 1997 study, guarana increased physical activity of animals, increased physical endurance under stress, and increased memory with single doses as well as with chronic doses. Interestingly enough, the study revealed that a whole guarana seed extract performed better and more effectively than did a comparable dosage of caffeine or ginseng extract.[24]

Another Brazilian research group has been studying guarana's apparent effect of increasing memory. Its antibacterial properties against E. coli and Salmonella have been documented as well.

A 1998 toxicology study with animals have shown that guarana is nontoxic at even high dosages of up to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. This same study demonstrated guarana's antioxidant properties saying, "Guarana showed an antioxidant effect because, even at low concentrations (1.2 microg/ml), it inhibited the process of lipid peroxidation."[25]

A major advantage to taking guarana in an oil base capsule is its relatively slow release into the body. In a study published in the journal Pharmacology Biochemical Behavior, a comparison was made of the absorption of caffeine from coffee, cola or capsules. Based on saliva caffeine concentrations, the absorption from capsules was about 40% slower than that of coffee or colas. These capsules were not oil-based, yet the rate of caffeine absorption was still significantly slower than coffee or cola.[26]

The effect of CLA on blocking excess absorption of serum glucose and fatty acids into adipocytes (fat cells) is remarkable. CLA induces a reduction in the size of adipocytes. One reason people gain weight as they age is that their adipocytes literally become fatter.

Another cause of increased body fat storage is the proliferation of adipocytes. While CLA helps block the absorption of fat and sugar into adipocytes, it does not reduce the actual number of adipocytes present. Guarana has been shown to specifically reduce the number of adipocytes. When CLA was combined with guarana, there was a 50% reduction in adipocyte number.

While many published studies document the fat-reducing effects of CLA, the fact that CLA may protect against cancer, vascular disease and Type II diabetes makes it a preferred supplement for health conscious people to use daily.

L-tyrosine has not been reported to cause any serious side effects and is considered safe.

These are all ingredients of Power Pops, which are great for losing weight or gaining energy!
To order yours now, visit

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Healing Power of the Bee's

Ok, while I'm a vegan, I personally don't use anything from bee's but there ARE lots of great benefits!

Healing Power of Bee Pollen - Apitherapy
"Bee pollen is often referred to as nature's most complete food. Human consumption of bee pollen is praised in the Bible, other religious books, and ancient Chinese and Egyptian texts. It has long been prescribed by traditional health practitioners-including the fathers of Western medicine Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, and Pythagoras-for its healing properties. Bee pollen rejuvenates your body, stimulates organs and glands, enhances vitality, and brings about a longer life span. Bee pollen's ability to consistently and noticeably increase energy levels makes it a favorite substance among many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance." Steve Schecter N.D.
Bee pollen contains all the essential components of life. The percentage of rejuvenating elements in bee pollen remarkably exceeds those present in brewer's yeast and wheat germ. Bee pollen corrects the deficient or unbalanced nutrition, common in the customs of our present-day civilization of consuming incomplete foods, often with added chemical ingredients, which expose us to physiological problems as various as they are numerous.
Alicia McWatters, Ph.D - "Bee pollen’s popularity is increasing as more and more dog owners and breeders are recognizing its great potential. Bee pollen contains many healing components and has been used for centuries as a source of nourishment. Today it is used not only for achieving better human health, but also to improve the health of our canine friends."

The Use of Bee Pollen as a Superfood

What Is Pollen?

Pollen is the male seed of flowers. It is required for the fertilization of the plant. The tiny particles consist of 50/1,000-millimeter corpuscles, formed at the free end of the stamen in the heart of the blossom. Every variety of flower in the universe puts forth a dusting of pollen. Many orchard fruits and agricultural food crops do, too.

Bee pollen is the food of the young bee and it is approximately 40% protein. It is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be sued directly by the body. Such highly assimilable protein can contribute significantly to one's protein needs.

Gathering pollen is not as easy as it sounds. Once a honeybee arrives at a flower, she settles herself in and nimbly scrapes off the powdery loose pollen from the stamen with her jaws and front legs, moistening it with a dab of the honey she brought with her from the hive. The enlarged and broadened tarsal segments of her legs have a thick trimming of bristles, called pollen combs. The bee uses these combs to brush the gold powder from her coat and legs in mid-flight. With a skillful pressing movement of her auricle, which is used as a hammer, she pushes the gathered gold into her baskets. Her pollen baskets, surrounded by a fringe of long hairs, are simply concave areas located on the outside of her tibias. When the bee's baskets are fully loaded, the microscopic golden dust has been tamped down into a single golden grain, or granule.

One of the most interesting facts about bee pollen is that it cannot be synthesized in a laboratory. When researchers take away a bee's pollen-filled comb and feed her manmade pollen, the bee dies even though all the known nutrients are present in the lab-produced synthesized food. Many thousands of chemical analyses of bee pollen have been made with the very latest diagnostic equipment, but there are still some elements present in bee pollen that science cannot identify. The bees add some mysterious "extra" of their own. These unidentifiable elements may very well be the reason bee pollen works so spectacularly against so many diverse conditions of ill health.

Honeybees do double duty. They are programmed to gather pollen and carry it back to the hive as food for the colony. However, even more important as far as humans are concerned, they are also responsible for the pollination of more than 80 percent of green growing things. As bees buzz from blossom to blossom, microscopic pollen particles coat their stubby little bodies so densely that they sometimes look like little yellow fuzz balls. When they arrive at the next flower, a portion of the live golden dust is transferred to that blossom and pollination is accomplished.

It is important to recognize that a one teaspoon dose of pollen takes one bee working eight hours a day for one month to gather. Each bee pollen pellet, contains over two million flower pollen grains and one teaspoonful contains over 2.5 billion grains of flower pollen.

Complete Nutrition

Bee pollen contains all the essential components of life. The percentage of rejuvenating elements in bee pollen remarkably exceeds those present in brewer's yeast and wheat germ. Bee pollen corrects the deficient or unbalanced nutrition, common in the customs of our present-day civilization of consuming incomplete foods, often with added chemical ingredients, which expose us to physiological problems as various as they are numerous.

Pollen is considered an energy and nutritive tonic in Chinese medicine. Cultures throughout the world use it in a surprising number of applications: for improving endurance and vitality, extending longevity, aiding recovery from chronic illness, adding weight during convalescence, reducing cravings and addictions, regulating the intestines, building new blood, preventing infectious diseases such as the cold and flue (it has antibiotic type properties), and helping overcome retardation and other developmental problems in children. It is thought to protect against radiation and to have anti-cancer qualities.

Nutrient deficiencies and all the health problems they cause are recognized worldwide as a growing problem. Because bee pollen contains all the nutrients needed to sustain life, it is being used on an ever larger scale for human nourishment and health. Science teaches that bee pollen contains many substances that combine to make it a healthy, nutritious, complete food. There are numerous reports from medical experience that conclusively show the benefits of bee pollen exceed that of a simple food item. And the bees do most of the work.

Bee-gathered pollens are rich in proteins, free amino acids, vitamins, including B-complex, and folic acid.

According to researchers at the Institute of Apiculture, Taranov, Russia, "Honeybee pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in Nature in a single food. Even if bee pollen had none of its other vital ingredients, its content of rutin alone would justify taking at least a teaspoon daily, if for no other reason than strengthening the capillaries. Pollen is extremely rich in rutin and may have the highest content of any source, plus it provides a high content of the nucleics RNA [ribonucleic acid] and DNA [deoxyribonucleic acid]."

Bee pollen is a complete food and contains many elements that products of animal origin do not possess. Bee pollen is more rich in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. Bee pollen is particularly concentrated in all elements necessary for life.

Medical Miracles

Researchers have demonstrated that there is a substance in bee pollen that inhibits the development of numerous harmful bacteria. Experiments have shown bee pollen contains an antibiotic factor effective against salmonella and some strains of bacteria. On the clinical level, studies have shown that a regulatory effect on intestinal function can be attributed to bee pollen. The presence of a high proportion of cellulose and fiber in pollen, as well as the existence of antibiotic factors, all contribute to an explanation for this efficacious effect.

Ingestion of bee pollen has a good effect on the composition of blood. A considerable and simultaneous increase of both white and red blood cells is observed. When bee pollen is given to anemic patients, their levels of hemoglobin [oxygen-carrying red blood cells] increase considerably.

It is reported that bee pollen in the diet acts to normalize cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood: Upon the regular ingestion of bee pollen, a reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides was observed. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) increased, while low-density lipoproteins (LDL) decreased. A normalization of blood serum cholesterol levels is also seen.

One of the most important articles ever published on bee pollen comes from our own United States Department of Agriculture. This article, entitled "Delay in the Appearance of Palpable Mammary Tumors in C3H Mice Following the Ingestion of PolIenized Food," is the work of William Robinson of the Bureau of Entomology, Agriculture Research Administration. It was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute way back in October 1948, five decades ago. According to the article, Dr. Robinson started with mice that had been specially bred to develop and subsequently die from tumors. He explains, "The age at which mice of this strain developed tumors ranged from 18 to 57 weeks, with an average appearance at 33 weeks. Tumor incidence was 100 percent."

The pollen used in this study was supplied by the Division of Bee Culture and, according to the report, "was the bee-gathered type." One group of mice was fed mice chow only; another group was fed mice chow with the addition of bee pollen at a ratio of 1 part bee pollen to 10,000 parts food. Dr. Robinson's article states, "Particular attention was given to the weight of the treated animals, since underweight can in itself bring about a delay in tumor development. No decrease in weight occurred in the animals receiving the pollenized food. Instead, a slight but fairly uniform increase was noted, possibly due to a nutritional factor in pollen."

In his summary, Dr. Robinson reveals the dramatic results: "In the untreated mice [the mice not given bee pollen], mammary tumors appeared as expected at an average of 31.3 weeks. Tumor incidence was 100 percent. In the postponement series, [the mice given bee pollen], the average [onset of tumors] was 41.1 weeks, a delay of 9.8 weeks being obtained. Seven mice in this series were still tumor-free at 56 to 62 weeks of age, when the tests were terminated. I would like to emphasize that these mice were especially bred to die from cancerous tumors. Without the protection of bee pollen in their food, the mice developed tumors and died right on schedule.

Given the fact that cancer is the number-two killer in the United States (heart disease is number one), we can all certainly agree that this is an electrifying article. What happened from it? Nothing. Even the National Cancer Institute, which published it, failed to follow up on this very promising line of research. It was dropped with no explanation.

More good news comes from the University of Vienna, where Dr. Peter Hernuss and colleagues conducted a study of twenty-five women suffering from inoperable uterine cancer. Because surgery was impossible, the women were treated with chemotherapy. The lucky women given bee pollen with their food quickly exhibited a higher concentration of cancer-fighting immune-system cells, increased antibody production, and a markedly improved level of infection-fighting and oxygen carrying red blood cells (hemoglobin). These women suffered less from the awful side effects of chemotherapy as well. Bee pollen lessened the terrible nausea that commonly accompanies the treatment and helped keep hair loss to a minimum. The women also slept better at night. The control group receiving a placebo did not experience comparable relief.

A report from the Agronomic Institute, Faculty of Zootechnics, Romania, showed the immune-strengthening effects of bee pollen. According to the report, "Comparative Studies Concerning Biochemical Characteristics of Beebread as Related to the Pollen Preserved in Honey" by Drs. E. Palos, Z. Voiculescu, and C. Andrei, "An increase has been recorded in the level of blood lymphocytes, gamma globulins, and proteins in those subjects given pollen in comparison with control groups. The most significant difference occurred in lymphocytes. These results thus signify a strengthening in the resistance of the organic system."

Lymphocytes are the white blood cells that are the "soldiers" of the immune system. They are responsible for ridding the body of injurious and harmful substances, including infected or diseased cells, mutant and cancerous cells, viruses, metabolic trash, and so on. Gamma globulin is a protein formed in the blood, and our ability to resist infection is closely related to this protein's activity.

Infertility Problems

Pollen stimulates ovarian function. The best results were obtained with a pollen supplementation of 2 parts per 100 in the ration, and with the substitution of animal proteins with pollen in a proportion of 5 parts per 100. The intensity of ovulation increased. Parallel to this increase in ovulation, pollen also improves the ability of eggs to withstand the incubation period. The best results were obtained with a quantity of 4 parts per 100 of pollen added to the ration, resulting in an increase in the percentage of eggs in respect to the control group. The application of pollen is recommended whenever the end result is obtaining eggs for reproduction.

Bee Products Also Treats Allergies!

Pollen is also a remedy for hay fever and allergies. However it must be taken at least six weeks before the season begins and then continued throughout the season if it going to work.

Bee pollen has been effectively used down through the ages to rid allergy sufferers of their afflictions. This technique, called desensitization, was developed at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London soon after the turn of the century. The treatment consists of administering small amounts of the allergen to stimulate the patient's own immune system to produce antibodies that will eliminate the allergic reaction. It works rather like a vaccination does against childhood diseases. Desensitization is based on the premise that the administration of the allergen will cause the body to produce antibodies that will cancel out the effects of the offending substance when the patient is again exposed to it.

Leo Conway, M.D., of Denver Colorado, treated his patients with pollen. Dr. Conway reported: "All patients who had taken the antigen [pollen] for three years remained free from all allergy symptoms, no matter where they lived and regardless of diet. Control has been achieved in 100 percent of my earlier cases and the field is ever-expanding. Since oral feeding of pollen for this use was first perfected in his laboratory, astounding results were obtained. No ill consequences have resulted. Ninety-four percent of all his patients were completely free from allergy symptoms. Of the other six percent, not one followed directions, but even this small percentage were nonetheless partially relieved".

Relief of hay fever, pollen-induced asthma, with ever increasing control of bronchitis, ulcers of the digestive tract, colitis, migraine headaches, and urinary disorders were all totally successful. Unfortunately, Dr. Conway, an early pioneer in the field of allergies, is now deceased. What we did not know was just how lightning-fast it could bring relief. It actually eliminated long-standing symptoms in minutes. Everything from asthma to allergies to sinus problems cleared. These trials confirmed that bee pollen is wonderfully effective against a very wide range of respiratory distress.

Bee Products and Physical Activity

The British Sports Council recorded increases in strength of as high as 40 to 50 percent in those taking bee pollen regularly. Even more astounding, the British Royal Society has reported height increases in adults who take pollen. Antii Lananaki, coach of the Finnish track team that swept the Olympics in 1972, revealed, "Most of our athletes take pollen food supplements. Our studies show it significantly improves their performance. There have been no negative results since we have been supplying pollen to our athletes."

Alex Woodly, then executive director of the prestigious Education Athletic Club in Philadelphia, said, "Bee pollen works, and it works perfectly. Pollen allows super-stars to increase their strength and stamina up to 25 percent. This increase in strength and endurance may be the key to the secret regenerative power of bee pollen. Bee pollen causes a definite decrease in pulse rate. The whole beauty of bee pollen is that it's as natural as you can get. No chemicals. No steroids." Renowned German naturalist Francis Huber was a great proponent of this miraculous food from the hive. Huber called bee pollen "the greatest body builder on Earth."

Bee Pollen and Weight Control

Bee pollen works wonders in a weight-control or weight-stabilization regimen by correcting a possible chemical imbalance in body metabolism that may be involved in either abnormal weight gain or loss. The normalizing and stabilizing effects of this perfect food from the bees are phenomenal.

In weight-loss programs, bee pollen stimulates the metabolic processes. It speeds caloric burn by lighting and stoking the metabolic fires. Honeybee pollen is coming to be recognized as Nature's true weight-loss food. Bee pollen is a low-calorie food. It contains only ninety calories per ounce. (An ounce is about two heaping tablespoons.) It offers 15 percent lecithin by volume. Lecithin is a substance that helps dissolve and flush fat from the body. This is one reason why bee pollen lowers low-density lipoproteins (LDL) surer and faster than any other food while helping increase the helpful high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which science says protect against cholesterol and heart disease.

By boosting the value of each nutrient present in the food you eat, bee pollen also eliminates cravings. Its natural phenylalanine content acts as an appetite suppressant. Phenylalanine is a natural amino acid that the body requires. It acts on your appestat, the control center that signals fullness and hunger. Mother Nature knows what she's about. You just plain won't want to eat as much when you take bee pollen regularly. When you are overweight, phenylalanine exerts a natural appetite suppressant effect. When you need to gain weight, the phenylalanine in bee pollen works in reverse.

The chemical drug in over-the-counter weight-loss products is a manmade cousin of phenylalanine called phenylpropanolamine, which chemically depresses the appetite whether you are fat, thin, or just right. It can also give you the jitters and leave you with a drug-induced "hangover" and can be addictive. Phenylpropanolamine is a common ingredient in many decongestants, explaining why one of the side effects of these products is loss of appetite. Products that include phenylpropanolamine as an ingredient must by law carry a warning that they should not be taken by persons with certain conditions, including thyroid problems and high blood pressure.

Health and Beauty

Basic beauty begins with the glow of good health, which shines from within. A scrubbed and radiant complexion transforms any woman (or man) into a singularly attractive person. On the other hand, dull, muddy skin, often caused by poor nutrition or personal hygiene, can detract from even the most attractive. Studies have shown that unhealthy or aging skin can be dramatically improved by the consumption of honeybee pollen.

When bee pollen is included daily in the diet, it not only gives you the glow of health and aids in safe, permanent weight loss, but it can also be blended into seemingly "magic potions" to smooth, soothe, and rejuvenate every inch of the outside of your body. Several relatively inexpensive mixtures of hive products, used externally, can revitalize and rejuvenate the complexion and may even eliminate acne.

Dr. Lars-Erik Essen, a dermatologist in Halsinborg, Sweden, pioneered the use of bee products for skin conditions. He treated many of his patients successfully for acne. Dr. Essen says, "Through transcutaneous nutrition, bee pollen exerts a profound biological effect. It seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin tissue. It offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells. It smoothes away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells.

The skin becomes younger looking, less vulnerable to wrinkles, smoother, and healthier with the use of honeybee pollen," Dr. Essen says. "Taken internally or used externally, bee pollen exercises a suppressive effect on facial acne. It is also an important skin rejuvenator, primarily because it contains a high concentration of the nucleic acids RNA and DNA as well as a natural antibiotic factor."

The French, long noted for their preoccupation with all things beautiful, have done a great deal of research on the use of bee pollen and other hive products in cosmetic preparations. Dr. M. Esperrois of the French Institute of Chemistry notes that honeybee pollen contains potent antibiotics that can act to reverse the effects normal aging exerts on skin, correcting darkening, wrinkles, and blemishes.

Professors N. Mankovsky and D. G. Chebotarev, two Russian scientists, confirm honeybee pollen stimulates cell renewal. They say, "The rejuvenation of skin and body cells can be encouraged by the administration of the poly-vitamins, microelements, enzymes, hormones, and amino acids present m bee pollen. These nutrients are needed by the body to form new tissue." These professors go on to praise the properties of bee pollen, calling them "vital to a form of internal and external rejuvenation at the cellular level.

Longevity and the Aging Process

According to G. Liebold, a holistic physician and psychologist of Karlsruhe, Germany, "Bee pollen is an excellent prophylaxis and therapeutic treatment against all the precocious symptoms of old age. It should be considered a universal geriatric treatment in the form of a natural remedy.

"Bee pollen causes an increase in physical and mental abilities, especially of concentration and memory ability, activates sluggish metabolic functions, and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This natural nutriment from the bees removes the causes of cardiovascular symptoms, such as arteriosclerosis, cerebral insufficiency, and other sequelae. It prevents nutrient deficiency during old age, gravidity [pregnancy], and the lactation [nursing] period. Bee pollen accelerates convalescence after serious illness and/or an operation, increases the body's physical defensive powers of the immune system stimulates mental and psychological resistance to stress, and creates a harmonizing of vegetative and hormonal disorders."

Dr. Nicolai Vasilievich Tsitsin, the USSR's chief biologist (and botanist) and an acknowledged expert on geriatrics, spent quite a few years pursuing the secrets of the many in what was the Soviet Union who live extraordinarily long lives. He visited the numerous small villages that dot the landscape high up in the Caucasus mountains, where the air is always clear and sweet. In summer, the breezes there are perfumed with the scent of thousands of wild flowers. The villagers work their small farms and tend their kitchen gardens without the dubious "benefits" of the space-age technologies employed by agribiz conglomerates. This is one of the few areas left in the world where the old ways still prevail.

The stalwart families who make their homes in the mountainous regions of the former Soviet Union are some of the most long-lived people in the world. On examination, many exhibit signs of "silent" heart disease, scars of "silent" heart attacks that would have almost certainly been lethal to a modern man or woman. The hard physical work they do every day well into what some of us in the so-called civilized world consider old age plays a part in their remarkably healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Tsitsin was amazed to find more than 200 individuals over 125 years of age, all still working every day and participating actively in village life. The hard facts of their daily existence partially explained the extended life span they achieved, but Dr. Tsitsin remained puzzled. He knew there had to be some other factor entering into the equation. He set himself the task of finding the common denominator. Then he stumbled upon it.

These people kept bees. Beekeeping is a profession that in itself a historically confers some sort of "magical" life protection on its members, a fact validated by today's scientific research. Still, only very well informed, modern beekeepers are knowledgeable about the many health-promoting benefits of bee pollen and regularly serve it at table. The villagers didn't fit the profile. Dr. Tsitsin dug deeper.

He found the answer. These beekeepers, happy and fulfilled though they were with their almost idyllic pastoral existence, were very poor. Bartering among themselves to exchange homegrown or handmade products for services was the accepted way of life. They had little cash available to them, so they regularly harvested-and either sold or bartered away the pure, clear honey from the combs of their beehives. What they kept for themselves and ate regularly was the thick residue that accumulated on the bottoms of their hives.

When he was served some of the sweet, sticky stuff in the home of one of the villagers, Dr. Tsitsin realized that this was the magic elixir that contributed to the remarkable longevity. The tasty but unattractive glob was rich with golden granules of bee pollen. Dr. Tsitsin attributed the remarkable health and extended life spans of these particular Russians to the scientifically documented action of bee pollen. He concluded his report by saying, "Taken regularly and in sufficient amounts, bee pollen will prolong the life span of man for many years."

Another Russian scientist, Naum Petrovich Ioyrish, chief of the Academy of July 26, 1997Vladivostok and author of Bees and People, agrees. In 1975, Dr. Ioyrish reported without any qualification, "Long lives are attained by bee pollen users. It is one of the original treasure houses of nutrition and medicine. Each grain contains every important substance necessary to life."

Scientifically Established Miracles of Bee Pollen

A doctor wrote about a five year old child: "This is a severely developmentally delayed floppy child whose differential includes a structural abnormality in the brain or a genetic abnormality, some of which may be diagnosed by chromosome analysis or genetic screen." Parent's tried every possible approach with no improvement. The Easter Seals Rehab Center listed the child as "(1) Severe receptive and expressive speech/language delay; (2) Immature neuromotor functioning; (3) Delay in development of play/cognitive skills; (4) Questionable hearing acuity/perception; (5) Severe delays in all areas of development; (6) Severe hypotonia."

Her mother began to give Bee-Young tablets, and slow progress began: lost rag-doll floppiness, clung to mother when held. Later noted that her eyes fixed on colorful objects with interest; able to scoot body forward while sitting on couch; rolled over for the first time; reached with operational arm for articles; skin color better; able to drink from cup. Improvement continued onward: Colleen is alert and interested in things around her -- this fact alone is "medically impossible" -- and is beginning to speak -- she smiles and laughs, loves hugs and kisses.

How to Use Bee Pollen

Each golden granule is densely packed with live enzymes, just about every nutrient that has a name, and some elements that science has not yet identified or labeled. Your digestive system may not be accustomed to such intensely rich food. If you are a beginner, introduce bee pollen into your diet slowly, a granule or two at a time. Since your BEE Tabs are really a type of food and there are some essential fats in it.

It is important to keep it refrigerated.

Bee Pollen for your Pets
Bee pollen was fed to hundreds of animals over a period of two years by scientist-researcher Dr. Remy Chauvin of the Institute for Bee Culture in Bures-sur-Yvette, France. Reporting to the French Academy of Medicine in 1956, Chauvin said, there were no side effects in the test animals. Furthermore, the use of bee pollen gave the animals increased vitality and improved "powers of reproduction" because of boosted fertility.

Royal Jelly - The exclusive food of the queen bee is often referred to as the longevity food since the queen bee, although genetically identical to worker bees, outlives them by a factor of 40 to 1. This mysterious food contains the greatest known concentration of pantothenic acid, the anti aging vitamin, which reverses imbalances in the body's chemistry. Hormonal and chemical imbalances are causes of stress, anxiety, and overeating.
Bee Propolis - A rich source of B vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids. As a natural antibiotic it has no equal. It stimulates the thymus gland to produce more white blood cells, which the body uses to rid itself of viruses, poisons and other metabolic waste products. When our immune system is strong, the result is health rather than illness.
Bee Pollen - Often referred to as natures perfect food. With 96 known nutrients, it is a rich dietary source of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron. It can energize you, give you a sense of well being, increase your intellectual capacity and close any nutritional gaps in your diet.

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