Saturday, April 21, 2007

Your Earth Day To Do List

Your Earth Day To-Do List!

The bad news: Global warming is real. The better news: there are real ways you can help.

In honor of Earth Day, here are five things you can do to make a cleaner planet and a better tomorrow. The best part is they are low-cost or free -- but have a huge impact.

globe1. Reduce. Here's a bright idea: Swap out five standard light bulbs for energy-saving compact fluorescents. They use 25% less energy and last 10 times as long. Other ways to save: unplug unused appliances and take public transit. For more cool tips, go to the Natural Resources Defense Council website.

2. Offset. Once you've done what you can to reduce your impact on the environment, offset the rest. Make a donation to reverse the greenhouse gases you produce. Go to

3. Recycle. Have an old cellphone just sitting in a drawer? CollectiveGood can send these phones for use in developing countries, or safely recycles materials from them. To donate your phone today (the shipping is free), go to

4. Take Action. We need bold action to solve the climate crisis. The United States is currently responsible for nearly 25% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, so we need to take the lead in solving the problem. Senators Boxer and Sanders have come forward with a bill to achieve 80% emissions reductions; click here to support the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act.

5. Get a cool credit card. Get the credit card that plants trees and supports alternative-energy groups. Click to


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