Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Food Enzymes ~ Do you have enough?

Improper diet, stress and aging can affect a person’s capacity to digest food properly.
Without complete digestion, nutrients from food are not fully absorbed.
Enzymes found in raw foods and present in our bodies help to digest the food we eat and to extract essential nutrients.
Enzymes have the power to change food compounds into more simple forms at an amazingly rapid rate.
Unfortunately, enzymes have lots of “enemies.” The cooking process kills natural enzymes needed to properly digest food, forcing the body to make replacement
enzymes—if it can! Enzyme levels may also decrease as food sits in storage.
NSP Food Enzymes combines major enzymes, bile salts, panceatin and betaine hydrochloride to help increase the body’s capacity to digest any meal.

• Supplements the body’s production of important enzymes.
• Provides a blend of enzymes to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
• Provides hydrochloric acid and bile salts to help digest proteins and fats.
• Helps prevent or relieve occasional indigestion.

This combination of enzymes offers more complete digestive support when taken with meals. This formula includes pepsin, which is used for pre-digesting proteins
in the stomach. Betaine HC1 helps create an acidic environment to facilitate the activity of pepsin. After food reaches the small intestine, the enzyme pancreatin
further digests protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Pancreatin also helps to support the pancreas in those with poor pancreatic function. Mycozyme digests starches; papain and bromelain digest protein; and bile salt makes fats soluble, preparing them for further digestion by lipase.
The enzymes bromelain and papain aid in the digestion of proteins. Bromelain also offers other health related benefits, including relaxing smooth muscles and
supporting joint health. Taken between meals, Food Enzymes works systemically to break down proteins associated with joint health, arterial health and
immune activation.

Nature’s Sunshine has isolated the enzymes that are most needed by the digestive system. These enzymes break down large quantities of carbohydrates, proteins
and fats, augmenting those enzymes already found in fresh food. NSP Food Enzymes also includes a source of hydrochloric acid and bile salts that work synergistically
with these enzymes.

• Supplements the body’s production of important enzymes.
• Provides a blend of enzymes to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
• Provides hydrochloric acid and bile salts to help digest proteins and fats.
• Helps prevent or relieve occasional indigestion.

This combination of enzymes offers more complete digestive support when taken with meals. This formula includes pepsin, which is used for pre-digesting proteins
in the stomach. Betaine HC1 helps create an acidic environment to facilitate the activity of pepsin. After food reaches the small intestine, the enzyme pancreatin
further digests protein, carbohydrates and fats. Pancreatin also helps to support the pancreas in those with poor pancreatic function. Mycozyme digests starches; papain and bromelain digest.

Each capsule of Food Enzymes supplies: 162 mg
betaine HCl, 40 mg bile salt, 50 mg bromelain, 15 mg
lipase, 90 mg mycozyme, 22 mg pancreatin, 45 mg
papain and 45 mg pepsin.
Take 1 or 2 capsules with a meal three times daily.
May also be used between meals.
Caution: Do not chew or dissolve capsules before swallowing because of their
potential reaction with the teeth and tissues of the mouth.
Each capsule helps you digest a minimum of 30 g
protein, 30 g carbohydrates and 20 g fats.
• Nutritional: Intestinal Soothe and Build, Bifidophilus®
Flora Force®, PDA, Stomach Comfort.
• Essential Oils: Lemon BIO, Peppermint.



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