Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Healing with Juices

by Pat Valle

Juicing fresh vegetables and fruits are the richest, most valuable
sources of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Because you need extra
nutrients to help rid your body of everyday environmental toxins,
juicing offers an important alternative that will nourish your body

Juicing helps your body assimilate many valuable nutrients found
in food. When food is cooked, the enzymes are destroyed by the heat.
Most of the nutritional value is lost. Half your daily intake of
food should be consumed raw.

The late Bircher-Benner, who founded the Bircher-Benner clinic in
England, said that "nothing more therapeutic exists on earth than
green juices." Nothing is more powerful for healing as fresh raw
juices. Carrots, celery, spinach, cabbage, beets and apples are some
of the most powerful juices for healing. Carrots have been used in
the treatment of all forms of cancer. It is rich in beta carotene,
which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Carrots have tremendous
antioxidants, are good for diarrhea, arthritis, constipation and
colitis. Celery is an excellent source of magnesium and other
important vitamins. It is a natural diuretic, good for high blood
pressure, arthritis, weight loss, dizziness and headaches. Celery
also exhibits a natural relaxing effect. Spinach is loaded with
minerals and is good as a cleansing tonic. It has the ability to heal
the intestinal tract, anemia, hemorrhoids and vitamin deficiencies.
Those who have arthritis, kidney stones or liver disease should
limit their intake of spinach. Cabbage is used in the treatment of
colon cancer. Juicing heals inflammation of the colon, ulcers,
stomach and heartburn. It is high in calcium, vitamin C, sulfur and
vitamin A. The leaves from the cabbage plant make a great poultice
for drawing out infections and for healing skin ulcers. Beets are one
of the most valuable juices for the liver and gallbladder. It is very
useful for anemia and cancer. It also stimulates the lymph glands and
cleanses the blood. Beet juice should be diluted with distilled water
as the cleansing effect may be too rapid. Apples help lower
cholesterol, aid in liver function and rid the body of toxic
build-up. Apples are rich in pectin which helps bind toxins and
removes them from the body, and also lessens the effects of exposure
to X-rays.

It's best to use organic fruits and vegetables. If you must use
fruits and vegetables which are not organic, make sure to clean
them thoroughly with a produce cleanser or rinse in raw organic
apple cider vinegar with water and soak for 10 to 20 minutes to
remove residue. Many fruits and vegetables are sprayed with toxic
chemicals to prevent insect infestation and to kill fungus and

Green drinks are quite powerful and may cause nausea and headaches at
first. This is due to rapid detoxification. It's better to dilute the
juice and take only small amounts to start. Green drinks help
detoxify the organs and reduce tumors. You may drink as many "live"
juices as you wish, and you can even combine other vegetables
together. Apples are one fruit that can be combined with vegetables
without causing gas and bloating.

The skins of some fruits such as oranges and grapefruit contain
a toxic substance, it's best to peel them before use. All pits
and some seeds of fruits should be discarded. Apple seeds contain
small amounts of cyanide and should never be used.

When preparing fruits or vegetables for juicing, it's best to
consume them immediately. If you choose to store it for later
use, it should be consumed within 24 hours.



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