Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sleep-Getting A Good Night's Sleep

Sleep…something we all need to function. But getting a good night’s sleep isn’t always that easy for some. Sleep is vital for production and happiness as well as well being. Here are a few tips to ensure you get a good night’s sleep.

1) Try to stick to a routine and go to bed at the same time every night.

2) Avoid caffeine consumption in the evening (ideally you should avoid caffeine at all times, but for those who simply can’t do without, at least refrain from consuming late in the evening and at night)

3) Try yoga or breathing exercises to relax and unwind.

4) Use affirmations prior to retiring for the night. Confirming that you are going to enjoy a peaceful sound sleep and releasing the day

5) Avoid stressful tasks and jobs prior to sleep (ie: paying bills, dealing with situations that create stress)

6) Give up smoking. (which ideally you would avoid at all times anyhow, but for those who can’t quit, at least avoid smoking prior to bed)

7) Massage your temples with essentials oils, or place essential oils on your pillow, or use a diffuser in your room (lavender and chamomile are good for this)

8) Use Distress Remedy (which can be bought at http://www.mynsp.com/betotallyhealthy/products/guide.aspx?stockNum=8975 ) ~ it’s a homeopathic flower medicine or use other flower remedies to assist in restful sleep.

9) Try taking magnesium, Mineral Chi Tonic, Kava Kava or Valerin to help you with getting that peaceful sleep you need. You can purchase all of these at http://www.BeTotallyHealthy.com

Insomnia and sleep issues are often signs of other underlying conditions, natural health and wellness counselors can often assist you in this area so you can finally get the proper rest you need so you can be more at peace, more productive and happier!


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