Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Healthy Holiday Eating

This holiday season, it's easier to stay ON track and maintain your weight than it is to gain weight and set the typical New Year's Resolutions to lose weight.

(marketing fact: Gyms, Health Spa's always offer 'specials/lower rates' to join right at New Years' because they know the majority of people are gung ho with New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, get in shape, work out more, and the same majority will NOT continue to come after the first month or so, so they have nothing to lose by offering specials to get you in the door....Yes, used to work at a gym and we did this every Dec-January)

Here's some ways to stay on track:
*Take it one meal, party, day at a time...and IF you happen to over do it, don't make that your excuse to continue! Get right back on track!
*When at parties, events...spend more time talking, socializing than standing around eating...after all you can't (or shouldn't) talk with your mouth full.
*Find someone you can be 'accountable' to if you feel you're not going to do this on your own
*Squeeze in even a few mins of exercise, even if that means walking around the mall (you know how much energy it can take to wade thru millions of gift crazed shoppers?), wrapping gifts or decorating the house or tree--get active and stay active
*Do NOT punish yourself and deprive yourself of the 'treats' you want...just don't over do it, have a small serving or even just a taste of whatever delectable item is calling your name
*Do NOT do the starve/binge pattern where you'll not eat one day and hold out for holiday dinner and then gourge yourself--do everything in moderation and ENJOY
*Take TIME when eating, stop and actually feel the texture of the food, aroma of the food, and let the food sit in your mouth for a minute...truly 'experience' the food
*If you're at a buffet type party/dinner, and there's a lot of different items you'd like to try...take a small serving or better yet a partial serving of the items you really want to enjoy that way you can have a bit of everything
*If you're doing the cooking, make healthier versions of traditional dishes/meals.

*Stay focused on YOUR goal--just because Betty, Tom, Nancy, Harry are all gourging themselves does not mean you should--just remind yourself that YOU will continue to be healthy and enjoy the true meaning of the holidays while they're whining moaning and groaning that they've gained 10 lbs from Christmas to New Years' and will continue to carry that 10 pounds (if not more) for at least the next 6 months trying to get rid of their over indulgence.

This should get you started!
and if you want to totally stay away from turkey, ham, fish, chicken I can show y'all some really gross but yet educating video clips that will surely have you not eating those items and have you reaching for the veggies and fruits instead!

Hope this helps!

Peace & Health,
Tara :)


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